Chapter 26

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"SAM?!" I screamed getting onto my knees trying to find the wound but there wasn't any "Sammy?" I whispered sitting him up so his head rested on my knees, the world pressed played again as tear streamed down my face as people avoided us. I'm not surprised since the smell of blood was a little overwhelming but I couldn't stop thinking about him.
I shook me head and lightly pressed my fingers against his neck feeling no pulse, I listen carefully desperately trying to hear anything.
My heart dropped "Sammy" I felt the mark burning on my neck "no no!" I shouted seeing the mark on his neck had disappeared and I wouldn't be surprised if mine was as well "Victoria!" Josh ran towards me sliding next to me picking up Sam "put him down" I growled "what him to live or not?" I clenched my jaw and let him sprint off with as I followed behind to the hospital wing "where's the blood coming from?" The nurse asked noticing that his clothes where ripped open "I couldn't find it" by now I had stopped crying and was as hard as rocks, why? I don't know probably that the mark was broken so i didn't feel for him as much but the fact I started crying before was because this isn't the first time I've lost something I love "you too out now, go to the ball thingy" she kicked us out I nodded and walked towards my room when I felt a hand on my shoulder "get off" I asked silently cringed at out creepily calm my voice was "Vic, I know he was your mate but please-"
"Was, the mark was burnt off, for the second time" I kept my face emotionless "if you excuse me go enjoy yourself" In a flash I was gone and found myself in the training room by myself but I was wearing a black training suit, must have blacked out or something. I look to the corner of the room where the control panel was and found myself standing in front of it changing the huge empty room into a cliff with a water fall with trees and Boulders surrounded me "that's a nice boulder" I shook my head at my immaturity.
I sat down and crossed my legs letting nature comfort when a super chilly breeze hit me, i tried to make a fire but it wasn't working, I sighed and grabbed a tree to climb up but then it suddenly froze "wow" I turned and looked at my now blue clothing that were covered in little snowflakes, I smiled lightly and shot my hands out in front me turning the place into a winter wonderland.
I played in the snow for a bit when I set fire to a tree, panicking I threw my hand in front hopefully to pull the fire back but water shot at it "oh my lord" I looked at the singed tree and rested my hands on it and closed my eyes and imagined the tree being fixed I felt an apple land on my head when I saw a beautiful apple tree above me "I forbid myself from using the elemental powers, it makes me more of a freak" I whispered "except my fire one, I need to burn the shit out of people" I muttered terminating the mission "what were you doing?" I turned my head to see Sam, well him but he had gaping holes where his eyes should be "S-Sam?" I asked in sadness "I'm dead, I'm sorry I knew I was going to get hurt so I didn't tell you but if I have known I would die" his holes looked down in sadness "it's okay" I smiled lightly "wait how can I?"
"See me? Well I found out your also part necromancer but only to see ghosts not to use them same with life can bring it, can't take it, well with the life element" I looked at him in shock and confusion "wait so I have the powers of life, can see dead people, elements, werewolf,vampire and angel?"
"Don't forget demon."
"Wait since when?!"
"Don't answer that" I rubbed my eyes "I need to sleep" I rolled my eyes "I don't have to sleep" I groaned leaning against a wall so who killed you?" I asked like it was a casual question you would ask everyday "well I know it was a girl that's about it but beware you won't be strong enough to kill her" I rolled my eyes "a lot of people aren't strong enough to do something and I've tried... Countless times" I glanced at Sam to see his empty eye sockets looking at me with sympathy "hey gotta love life escaping heaven and then turning out to be a freak ohh and don't forget loosing 2 mates in the same year," I clench my fists tightly "there's bound to be flaws" I muttered getting up "any whoo, let's not turn this into a chick flick I need a five hour shower while eating a whole tub of cookie and cream ice cream while watching Netflix because I am do-"
"Don't you need to graduate school to be able to ease the council-"
"Shhhh I'm allowed to do that while everyone sleeps" I snapped sprinting up to my room when I saw it had a note on the door saying 'new room 3 doors down to the left' I rolled my eyes and walking to this new room where the keys were in the door. I opened it to see a girl with blonde hair and pretty violet eyes instantly I knew that it was a mermaid "what do you want? Shouldn't you be looking for your prince Erik or something?" I said opening the wardrobe to see my clothes in there "nope just passing through to see my future mate" I spun on my heels about to sprint towards her and hit her but I looked at her suspiciously "get out this is a sick joke, my mate just died a few hours ago" I growled letting fear mask her little innocent face, I just realized how small and innocent she looked "I'm sorry just everything is going to shit-"
"I know, my name is Pearl, I'm a hybrid not just a true mermaid" I frowned at her as a tear streamed down her face "hey, umm I'm not the one for sappy romance flicks but I'm a hybrid too, well more of a puddle with different animal genes and shit" she slapped my shoulder "don't curse" I mentally groaned "come on back to your room Pel" a smiled crossed her face as she hugged me and she left me confused and with my thoughts.

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