Chapter 14

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I sit there fidgeting tapping my foot violently getting really confused all these technical terms for wars and different types of creature is giving me a headache "fuck it" I muttered under my breath guessing all of them and when I got to the last question the timer went off "okay class you may leave" I got up and remanded to the wounded and the death count "Victoria it was a test not a war" I rolled my eyes annoyed and walked out to see Sam standing there "hey butthead" he mocked a shocked expression "you said I could call you anything I want! Not complaining" I laughed "any way go to your room your results should already be there" he started jogging off "where are you going? Don't leave me alone I'll get lost!" I shouted after him but he was gone "be a butt then" I grumbled walking around down the now empty hall way "miss? You must go to your room now vampires are about to start school" I turned to look at a teacher but I haven't seen him before "who are you?" He start pushing me down the hall "Mr vampire that's going to save your life. Go now" I rolled my eyes and started walking faster towards the main hall "well at least I know where I am now" I turned to the left but walking into a hard back "hey watch where your goi- Vic?" I looked up to see Josh "what the fuck are you doing here?" I got up glaring at him "I needed to come her as well I thought you joined here as a vamp?" I shook my head "I need to go I'll get into trouble" he nodded "use vamp speed no one will see you" I nodded and did as he said.

I threw myself on my bed which was now filled with quiet snores from petty girl "oh my test results" I got up and saw an envelope on my bed.
Dear Miss Victoria Liberté,
Your skill in the placement exams where strong and skillful. You completed all fighting levels placing you into level five. However, doing the knowledge test every answer was guessed, but correct so you have been place into level 10.
From the administration.
I heaved a sigh "level 10 huh? Pretty good" I threw myself on the bed and started to doze off but I felt this pull.
"W-what?" I sat up confused and tired but this pull was different.
I glanced at the clock and saw it was midnight "must be the full moon" I shrugged it off and laid back down Falling into an restless sleep.

"Get up you mutt" I kicked her onto her bed and stretched "hey! Treat me with respect!" I sat up and cracked my stiff back "awwww the glory of not having to have you waking me up is beautiful" I stretched getting up to see a letter with my name on it "what's that?" I ignored her and opened it.
Two keys fell on my lap, both were different "room 1000" I read out loud getting up "get out" I frowned confused "let me clean up a bit and I will get out" she rolled her eyes "room 1000 is for level 10 students and there is only 4 of them!" I made my bed and washed my face "now there's 5" I said dried my face off "apparently today is all free periods for the newbies so they can find their way around this place" she informed me confidently "cool" I slammed the door behind me but opened it again grabbing my bag and slamming it again "room 1000 on the tenth fl- what is it with these tens?!" I said speed walking to my new room "wait up Vic!" I turned to see Sam "oh hey sorry" he smelt like mint that enveloped around me filling me with warmth.
No this can't be happening "mate" he whispered with sad eyes "I accept" I blurted out.
His eyes lit up "I accept to be your mate" he smiled and hugged my filling me with warmth "I did my exam last night and guess what?" His eyes shined with happiness "what?" I asked, God his smile was contagious "I got placed in level 10 and I need to find my room but mates are supposed to be placed in room together" I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly "my room number is 1000 on the tenth floor" he smiled "so is mine" he picked me up and kissed my cheek but a growl echoed through the hall "shit" I knew it was an alpha but the scent hit my nose "get away from her" he growled out using his alpha tone.

I felt Sam put me down "get away from my mate" I turned and looked into his golden eyes "you rejected me! And I finally found someone who is kind!" I saw his jaw clench "I was kind to-"
"Not after I came out of that coma! I was a beast! a body of your dead mate!" His face dropped "it destroyed my li-"
"And made mine worse! Goodbye Alpha" I made the alpha stand out to him "let's go to our room Sam" I grabbed his hand and stomped towards my room dragging Sam along with me.

"You never told me he was your mate" we were sitting in the room that had a huge king sized bed that had blue silk sheets and a massive bathroom everything looked new and modern "like I said I don't like talking about my business" I muttered. He pulled me into a hug, nuzzling into my neck "my little wolf" he whispered into my neck his breath fanning my hair away making me purr "you smell amazing" he gently bit on my neck making me lean my neck to the side "you like that my little wolf?" I moaned silently at the nickname.
A chuckle emitted from his chest "for another time my pup" he pulled his head away kissing my cheek "we need to go to a meeting for all tenth levels" I groaned annoyed "I hate you butt head" he chuckled walking out "see you at the café?" I smiled as he closed the door.
I lifted my hand to my cheek to feel the lingering kiss making me sigh with a smile on my face "God dam it I love you" I muttered getting up walking out the door thinking about Sam's adorable face.

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