chapter ten

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"Hey!" Fuyumi said, coming into the kitchen, as I was eating breakfast.

"This is really good," I said.

Fuyumi smiled, thanking me.

At first, her super enthusiastic attitude had thrown me off guard, mainly because I wasn't used to that much human interaction, and she talked a lot.

"Hey? You know you have your first session with your therapist?" Fuyumi checked her watch, "I told Dad I'd bring you. I left an outfit for you to borrow on the bed."

Said outfit was simply sweatshirt and sweatpants, it was super comfortable, but it was a little oversize on me since Fuyumi was a lot taller than me.

"I really like this material," I said as I hopped into the car.

Fuyumi nodded, "Isn't it great? That reminds me, after this I need to take you to buy some stuff for your room."

"Sounds nice," I said, unsure of what else to say once I realized she was waiting for a response.

Thankfully, Akina's office wasn't far, because even though Fuyumi's personality was starting to grow on me, the music she listened to was just plain horrible. There was way too much going on.

"I'll be back in an hour okay?" She said as I got out.

I nodded.

I had no clue where to go, but I somehow found my way into Akina's office. "Himari!" She said, closing her laptop as I came in.

"Hi," I said, sitting down on the bright blue couch she had.

She came over, sitting next to me.

"How's everything been?" Akina said, flipping open her notebook.

I shrugged, "Fine I guess."

Akina frowned, "That wasn't the reaction I thought you would have. You seemed really excited when I first told you that you could go? Is everything okay?"

"I mean, its fine?"

Akina sighed, "Okay, Himari you gotta give me something here. I can't help you if I don't know how you are feeling?"

"How am I supposed to tell you how I'm feeling if I don't even know how I'm feeling," I retorted. It was quiet, but the deep breath that she took told me that she heard it.

"Himari? When was the last time you used your quirk?"

I shrugged, "I dunno, last week?"

"In your file, you said that it was activated by emotions. Did you use that or no?"


"When was the last time you used emotions to activate your quirk?"

I tilted my head, "I'm not sure."

Akina observed me thoughtfully,"Himari," she began gently, "it sounds like you're struggling to connect with your emotions, to understand them, and to express them. This difficulty in feeling and articulating your emotions could be indicative of alexithymia."

I furrowed my brows, the term unfamiliar to me. "Alexithymia?"

"It's a condition where individuals have difficulty identifying and describing their emotions. It can also involve challenges in distinguishing between physical sensations and emotional feelings," Akina explained, her voice reassuring.

"Oh," I said. There wasn't much else to say.

"This doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, Himari," Akina continued, "But understanding and processing emotions is an important part of mental well-being. We can work together to explore strategies to help you connect with your emotions and express them in healthy ways."

I let out a sigh, a mix of relief and uncertainty flooding through me. "Okay," I said softly, meeting Akina's gaze. "I'll try."

Akina offered me a reassuring smile, "You're gonna do it."

After that, we talked about my experience in the Todoroki Household, and how I felt about coming back.

"I think Fuyumi is the only one who actually wants me there," I said. "Shoto and Natsuo don't seem keen on me being there."

Akina frowned, "Maybe find out what's up with that? But at least you're feeling a little hurt about it! That's an emotion."

I nodded, "It is!"


Not long after that, Fuyumi came to pick me up, and when I tell you this was the longest day of my life.

I swear days in the asylum were worse than this. Shopping was terrible.

"Are you sure we need all of this?" I kept asking, "This must be a lot of money."

Fuyumi shrugged, "I mean- it's not like its our money."


Maybe I did want to shop more.

I had bought many types of outfits, from fancy to leisure to workout clothes. All of them were super comfy.

I even got what Fuyumi called a party dress.

Fuyumi winked, "Just in case you have a date one night."

I wasn't sure how I felt about that.


We then went shopping for my room, which was hard to do since we needed everything today. However, after Fuyumi negotiated with them, we managed to secure a deal.

Most of the stuff I picked out was pretty basic, mostly monotone and modern stuff.

I did get a little dinosaur pillow after Fuyumi told me I just absolutely needed it.

Even though the entire day had been tiring, I will admit that it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Fuyumi was nice, and I liked how expressive she was. She even managed to get a smile in me after I got the dinosaur pillow.

It was a really cute pillow. Even I had to admit that.

Our final stop was the phone store, where I got a pink IPhone. It was the newest model, and I was pretty excited about it. Fuyumi helped me set it up, and I even managed to get Hawk's number through Akina.

Our final stop consisted of ice cream at the mall.

It was just as good as I remembered. I had gotten mint chocolate chip, and now I wanted to just eat tubs of this forever and ever.

"Hey," I asked, as I was eating my ice cream, "Can I ask you something?"

Fuyumi nodded, "Of course, anything."

"What's up with Natsuo and Shoto?"

Her eyes softened, "It's been hard since you've left, and unfortunately, Dad did his best to disconnect you from the family."

My eyes hardened, "Of course he did." He loved pretending like things just didn't happened.

"Please don't blame them, they were all so young, and soon after that Toya died and mom left," Fuyumi said. "They'll come around, it just may take more time."

I nodded, "Okay."

She grinned, "And in the meantime, we get lots of sister time together."

I smiled for a second time that day.

And then I pinched myself.

It's real.

a/n: i'm so sorry I've been gone for so long, but my dad took my laptop for a week

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