chapter thirteen

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Today, the acceptance letter came in.

And the acceptance tape.

Although I had read the letter and the acceptance tape at least three times, I was still having trouble believing that this was truly happening. I found myself pinching myself more and more due to the sheer excitement that I had over finally getting into my dream school.


It was a nice emotion to have, and it was not one I had often. I usually found myself struggling feeling the more positive emotions, but I had noticed improvements in my mood. Things hadn't seemed bad before, but Akina told me that was because it was all I knew.

Whenever I was little, I disliked All Might because I thought my father deserved to be on top. I was still a little distrustful of him, mainly because anyone could be anyone behind the screen. Were they really the hero they made themselves to be?

All Might's loud voice caught me off guard as the projection flashed on.

"Hello Young Todoroki," He paused for a second, most likely checking if this was right. He had probably done Shoto's a moment before. "We are pleased to offer you a spot in the hero course."

I had done it.

He then went on to explain how we had performed, and I tensed up as I waited as he told me my score. "With a total of seventy-seven points, you have tied with Katsuki Bakugo for first place. Both of you had only combat points, and no rescue points, which is... interesting."

My jaw went slack.

I had tied with him?

A feeling of annoyance came over me. I would have to explain these emotions to Akina.

Unfortunately, Akina wasn't available.

And so my first sister rant session began.

"Remember that idiot at the exam I told you about?"

Fuyumi nodded, "I believe you referred to him as Anger Issues."

"We tied. How did we tie? He just ran around the entire time screaming at all of us to die! And he tied with me!" I groaned, slamming my face into the pillow. "I'm so mad."

Fuyumi laughed, "Don't worry about him. This is just the exam, many more times will come in which you get to prove yourself. but I think its gonna all be okay. From the sounds of it, you already have more social skills than him."

I snorted, "Well that's not very hard. He's the most unlikable person I've ever met."

I lay on the couch next to Fuyumi, my body shaking with laughter. No sound escaped my lips, but I was shaking from laughter. My shoulders quivered, and my eyes crinkled at the corners. It was a strange, silent form of laughter, where my breath hitched and my cheeks ached from smiling so hard. 

This was a warm, comforting sensation that felt both new and natural. Fuyumi's laughter was soft next to me. Early memories of my mother's rare laughter caused me to think back to the past.. I wonder if things had been different if I would've been accustomed to this, maybe even taken this moment for granted.

The moment quickly ended as Enji walked into the room. He didn't even acknowledge Fuyumi, simply turning towards me. "Shoto will be attending UA with you, know your place. Be grateful I am even letting you attend."

Despite his harsh words, a smile grew on my face as I glanced to Fuyumi. I would have gone to UA anyway even if he had told me no. Enji was too prideful to encourage me, but this was his way of saying that he would allow me to continue to my hero journey.

A few seconds later, my phone pinged.


hey! did you get your letter?

I smiled as I read the text.

you can now call me a member of class 1A


we def need to meet up before school starts

My smile grew as I read that. I had told Akina and Fuyumi about Mina, and they said that she seemed like she would be a good friend. I was excited to get to know her better.

for sure, are you free this week?

yes! actually someone else I know from class 1a 

has gotten a group together for the 

movies on friday, would you wanna come with?

I would love to

ok great, so far I think its us and then three other guys

I liked the message.

And just like that, I had scheduled my first official hang out.

who's afraid of little old me? | mha x ocWhere stories live. Discover now