chapter twelve

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The next day, I had another therapy session.

Upon returning from the exam, I had proceeded to stagger into my room and collapse. I slept for seventeen hours straight. It was a great sleep, and I woke up this morning feeling well rested.

Now, I had to get up and actually do stuff, which at the moment felt like the worst thing ever. I knew that pushing myself would have some consequences, but it felt like every muscle was sore.

I made my way down the silent halls of the Todoroki household. Natsuo was staying at his college, and Shoto and Enji were training. The house was empty. Fuyumi had come into my room fifteen minutes ago and told me I would have to get up soon if I wanted to eat.

I was super hungry since I hadn't eaten since the day before. Thankfully, it seemed as if Fuyumi had made french toast this morning, which was absolutely amazing. I loved food so much.

We then went to Akina's office.

As soon as I walked in, her face lit up into a warm and welcoming smile, "Good Morning Himari!"

I had begun to see her as some sort of Aunt almost. She gave me really good advice and was starting to help me feel more normal. We had been focusing more on my social skills lately, but she had told me that despite being in an asylum for the past twelve years, I was surprisingly normal. I had to illusions to thank for that. They had given me a false reality for the longest time. I gave her a smile, and it was genuine. "Good Morning."

She told me that by showing the emotions I wanted to convey through facial expressions I would progress faster. It helps a lot with understanding what I'm feeling and helping me to feel more emotions. We were also working on feeling deeper emotions that weren't as easy to recognize.

"How did the Entrance Exam go?" She asked as I sat down across from her.

I shrugged, "It went fine. Although, it was a little overwhelming and I pushed myself too much. There were a lot of people there. I got in though, I think-"

"I bet you got in," Akina said, winking at me. I shrugged, still unsure. I had been pretending it didn't happen so that I didn't get my nerves up. However, a second later her encouragement disappeared and she turned professional again, "How did you manage the feelings of being overwhelmed?" she asked.

"I met this girl that seemed nice and she distracted me from everything else going on. She talks a lot, but it was easy to have a conversation with her because of that."

"Making connections can definitely help. What about during the exam? How did you handle the competition?" Akina continued.

"I was determined to do well. But then this guy, Bakugo, shoved me down, and I got really angry. I used that anger to push myself harder."

Akina had an alarmed look on her face, and I realized how that sounded, "We ran into each other before that, and I told him off. He needs to go to therapy for his anger issues." I explained.

She laughed, "Give him my name and number, so I can tell him off." She then continued with her questions. "What made you want to push further?"

"He made me really mad, and I wasn't about to let him just win like that. Plus, victory would be so much sweeter after I beat him even after he got a head start."

Akina chuckled, "Sounds like you are mad? That's good. An emotion."

I paused, she was right. Even though he had made me  angry, I had been able to feel an emotion because of him. Anger.

I didn't get any more time to think about it though, because she then asked her next question. "

"It was intense and exhausting. I pushed myself to the limit, trying to score high. I managed to get seventy-seven points, but I was so tired by the end," I said, "I slept for seventeen hours after."

Akina shook her head, "What I would give for seventeen hours of sleep." She then looked down at her notebook. "One last question, how do you feel the about pushing yourself with your quirk?

That was an easy question. "I also need to be more careful and conserve my energy better. It's all about balance."

"That's a valuable lesson, Himari. Balancing effort and self-care is essential. How are you feeling about starting at UA now?" Akina asked, smiling as she tried to get me to talk more.

Sometimes, she was a little too hard to talk to, mainly because she tried her best not to show too much emotions or feelings. Fuyumi helped me a lot because she made me feel.

"Fine, I think its going to have lots of good opportunities," I said. "It's great that you're looking forward to it. Remember to take things one step at a time and use the strategies we've discussed. You're making good progress," Akina said.

I nodded, "Right."

And so the therapy session ended.

a/n: I did my best, it isn't my favorite chapter. as you know I write ahead of time, so this was written whenever I was trying to publish chapter eight. the next few chapters are a lot better than this book so far, so be hyped for that

also tysm for 600 reads! that's amazing :)

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