chapter eleven

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A few weeks had passed since I had first come home, and things had stayed mostly the same.

Hawks had gotten me into the UA entrance exam, so he said as long as I passed the physical part, I would be getting special help from academics due to my so called situation.

I had been making lots of progress with Akina too. Things were starting to come together.

Now I just had to make sure I didn't mess this up.

Shoto wouldn't be in the exam with me since they were unable to get me into the recommended exam on such short notice, so I didn't really know anyone.

I saw by myself in the auditorium. There was a lot of noise. A few weeks ago, it would've been overwhelming, but Akina was also helping me with that.

Five minutes before the presentation of the exam began, a girl with pink hair sat down next to me. "Thank God! I thought I was gonna be late!"

I was going to just give her a smile and resume to my thoughts, but I was going to try to make an effort here.

I could even hear Akina in my thoughts, yelling at me to introduce myself.

So, I held out my hand, "I'm Himari Todoroki."

The girl smiled, "I'm Mina Ashido."

It was quiet for a few moments, before I remembered another tip. Ask questions.

"What course are you applying to?" I asked.

Mina's face lit up. I had made the right move. "I'm applying for the hero course. You?"

I nodded, "The same thing."

After that, Mina began to carry the conversation. She talked a lot, which was good. I didn't have to say that much.

But I was proud of myself. I had actually ventured into public and come out sucessful.

Maybe this whole school thing wouldn't be so bad.

Professor Mic came in a few minutes, and the auditorium fell silent as he began to explain the exam.

There were four robots. A one pointer, two pointer, three pointer, and zero pointer.

What was the point of a zero pointer?

I knew I would have to score the highest though if I wanted Enji to take me seriously.

These past few weeks had consisted of me interrupted Enji and Shoto's training lessons so that I could get some practice in.

I felt someone confident going into this.

Unfortunately, Mina and I were in different areas, so we exchanged numbers and parted ways.

I hoped she would be in my hero class. It would be nice to have a friend.

However, my good mood was ruined as a spiky blonde hair shoved past me. "Out of my way loser."

I frowned, "Now that's not very nice."

His eye twitched.

"I wasn't trying to be nice dammit!"

He was making me mad.

However, we didn't get to finish our argument because the countdown for the exam begin.

I rushed to the front, weaving in between the people.

I would get the highest score on the exam.



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