chapter three

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Those three doors each led to a different place.

First one was to the bathroom.

The second one was to freedom.

The third one led me into a training room.

I had been shocked at first, because I was in an asylum. Why would they want me to become stronger.

However, as Endeavor had explained, once learned to control my emotions, I would no longer be a threat to society and would be allowed to live as a normal person.

Could I ever live as a normal human?

I lost nearly all human contact.

The first few years were the worst. I hadn't understood what I did wrong, so I laid there in a corner of the training room. It was rather plain whenever the training mode was disable.

I used it as a hiding spot whenever I had my panic attacks.

At first, they were super frequent, and I had almost multiple a day.

I had a lot of time to reflect on my life before this.

I had already decided that Endeavor had lost the title of Dad.

He was the reason I was forced to be here.

Every time I closed my eyes, I saw his look of disappointment.

I was left alone with my thoughts, yet I swear I heard his voice everywhere.

"You can't live with humans, you're too dangerous."

As if I was a monster.

Monsters were dragons and trolls.

I wasn't a monster.


After my third year, I finally got my first visit from my siblings.

They looked so different.

I wondered if I looked different.

I didn't have a mirror.

The way they had looked at me though.

As if I had no feelings.

As if it was my fault that those people were dead.

It wasn't my fault.

From those looks, everything that I had built up the last few years began to slowly unravel.

However, I had more self control.

The fire hummed within it, but I did not let it come out.

I had vowed to never lose control.

I intended to stay good on my promise.

I never wanted anyone to be afraid of me.

who's afraid of little old me? | mha x ocWhere stories live. Discover now