chapter twenty one

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"Himari! What are you doing here?" Akina said, her eyes widening whenever I walked in. However, her eyes quickly softened in understanding as she realized the state I was in. I looked like a mess. I had seen the bags under my eyes, and my hair was sticking up all over the place.

"I lost control again," I said quietly.

Akina was quick to sit down next to me, and the next thing I knew I was a mess, a blubbering, snotty mess as explained what had happened. "Everything just felt like too much at the moment."

Whenever I explained my decision to leave, Akina's eyes softened. "I know you are scared of hurting your classmates, but I think that it would be best if you went back to UA. It's going to get harder before it becomes easier."

There was a few moments of silence, and I took that moment to reflect on everything that had happened. I did like my class a lot. I liked Mina and her friends, and despite Bakugo's hotheadedness, I think I would even miss him. However, this was for their good.

Akina must have seen the resignation in my eyes, because she continued to speak. "Himari, you are a very powerful girl with a quirk that could change thousands of people's lives. If you truly want this, you will be able to control your quirk. It's not supposed to be easy."

I nodded, seeing the truth in her words.

It would be embarrassing going back after my breakdown, but Akina was right. If this was an easy journey, then everybody would be a hero. I had seen the people on the streets, those that gave up on their dreams due to difficulties. I was determined not to become another one of them.

Fuyumi was still waiting for me whenever I exited Akina's office. Shoto was still in the car too, but he was still ignoring me. I had thought that after a while maybe he would finally start to see me as his sister again, but it just was not happening.

"You seem like you are better. Did it go well?" Fuyumi asked as I hopped in the car.

I shrugged, a smile on my face, "I feel a little better, but I still haven't decided."

Fuyumi rolled her eyes, "I can tell by the look on your face that you're gonna go back."

The drive was quick, and mostly silent. Shoto was texting someone on his phone. I wasn't sure who though.

Whenever we pulled up to the house, I realized that Enji was home. He skipped 'family' dinners a lot of the time, so I was hoping I would be able to avoid him for a few more days.

He had heard about the incident, I could tell by the cruel gleam in his eye that he was going to make a comment. "How'd your first day go Himari?" He asked.

"Great," I said, hoping that would be the end of it.

"No slip ups?"

I paused, glaring at him as Fuyumi sighed, "Dad. She's tired."

Shoto had already gone upstairs, and I was quick to follow him. However, a knock at the door stopped me.

I paused as Fuyumi went to answer the door, wondering who it was.

Whenever she opened the door, I was surprised to see a familiar face standing there. Mina Ashido, with her pink hair and vibrant smile, waved enthusiastically. She looked a bit out of breath, as if she had run the entire way.

"Mina? What are you doing here?" I asked, genuinely surprised.

Mina grinned, though her eyes were filled with concern. "I heard what happened," she said softly. "I wanted to check on you. See if you're okay."

I blinked, taken aback by her concern. I hadn't expected anyone from UA to reach out, let alone show up at my house. "How did you know where I live?"

"A little detective work," Mina admitted with a playful wink. "Plus, I asked around. I'm persistent like that."

Fuyumi smiled warmly at Mina. "It's good to see you have such supportive friends, Himari."

I glanced at Fuyumi, then back at Mina. She had taken the time to come and check on me. It meant more than I could put into words.

"I... I just didn't want to hurt anyone. I lost control, and it scared me," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Mina nodded, her expression softening. "I get it. Quirks can be scary sometimes, especially when they're as powerful as yours. But that's why we're at UA, right? To learn and get better. You're not alone in this, Himari."

I sighed, feeling the weight of her words. She was right. Running away wouldn't solve anything. "Thanks, Mina. I appreciate it. Really."

Mina stepped forward and wrapped me in a tight hug. "We're all in this together," she said, her voice full of warmth. "And besides, I'd miss you if you left."

I felt a tear escape, but this time it was one of relief. I hugged her back, grateful for her support. "I'll come back," I said, my voice stronger than before. "I'll give it another shot."

Mina pulled back, her smile radiant. "That's the spirit! Now, how about we go grab some ice cream or something? My treat."

I chuckled, the tension in my chest easing. "Ice cream sounds perfect."

As we headed out the door, I realized that I wasn't alone. I had friends who cared about me, who wanted to see me succeed. And maybe, just maybe, I could learn to control my quirk and become the hero I wanted to be.

Later that evening, after Mina had left and the house had settled into its usual quiet, I found myself reflecting on the day's events. The fear and uncertainty were still there, but they were tempered by the warmth of my friend's support.

I climbed into bed, feeling a strange mix of emotions. For the first time in a long while, I felt a spark of hope. Maybe this journey wouldn't be as lonely as I had thought. Maybe, with time and effort, I could find my place in the world of heroes.

As I drifted off to sleep, I held onto that thought, letting it kindle a small but steady flame inside me.

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