chapter two

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twelve years ago

Shoto had gotten his quirk earlier than me, and it just wasn't fair.

Why did he get to be the special one?

Dad had always had favorites, for that was the way things worked around our home. The strongest would be the one that would get to be the hero, and I was determined from a young age that it would be me.

Unlike Shoto, I never had any problems with being a hero. I loved the idea, and I looked up to my father so much. I saw him as a person who saved people and made the world a better place.

I had been so blinded by my passion to be just like him, I didn't realize the bad parts of him.

Now, Shoto was the special one. Even though I had been working hard for so many years, I had still been cast aside, forgotten. Now I was deemed unworthy of his time and training.

That didn't sit right with me.

Thankfully, I got my quirk exactly a week after Shoto, so everything would be alright and go back to normal.

"Dad! I got my quirk!" I remember yelling, hoping to see any sort of pride on his always sour face.

His eyebrows had risen in interest, which was what I considered a good sign, "Oh? Let's see."

I closed my eyes concentration, focusing on any anger or hurt I had felt in the past week.

Suddenly, a ring of flames came surging from me, almost like an explosion of some sort.

Dad had quickly pushed Shoto aside, protecting him. He suddenly jerked his arm back, burned from the flames. A smile had come to his face.

"Okay, that's enough now Himari," He said after a few moments of me not stopping.

It wasn't stopping. I couldn't.

Seeing the panicked look on my face, Dad turned to Shoto. "Stop her with your ice."

Shoto's eyes widened as the flame circling around me grew stronger.

He narrowed his eyes in concentration, slowly forming ice.

As the heat grew cooler, I slowly began to have control over my quirk again.

"Dad! Is it powerful enough to become a hero!" I said, dashing over. "I know I don't have the best control but that can be easily fixed by learning how to control my quirk well and experience after all you said..." I just talked and talked and talked.

Even my dad smiled a little bit, "Maybe."

one week later

I was at the grocery store with Shoto and Dad, and we were getting some items for dinner that Mom hadn't been able to get. She's been having a lot of headaches lately, so Shoto and I have been trying to help out.

Shoto and I were looking at the super hero toys in the toy aisle. I had grabbed the Endeavor Toy, "Dad's my favorite hero," I said proudly, clutching the toy tightly as I hugged him.

Shoto rolled his eyes, "Yeah we know. All Might is better though, there's a reason he's the number one hero. He's actually a good hero."

I turned my head sharply towards Shoto, "Dad's a good hero too."

He didn't respond. It bothered me.


Suddenly, Dad came around the corner, so I decided to drop the conversation.

"Dad, one day I'm going to be on these shelves one day as the number one hero!" I said, beaming.

However, he didn't respond for a moment.

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