chapter sixteen

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The next Monday after we went to movies would be my first day of school, so I spent the entire weekend preparing for the school year ahead. I had gone ahead and bought any supplies I thought I would need. I even designed my costume, which I had opted for an all black outfit, with accessories that will help with my ability.

In the past few weeks, I had started going to the doctor again, and I was starting to learn more about my quirk. It was mostly fueled by my emotions, and even though I was making progress, Akina said I still had a lot more to do if I wanted to reach the full potential of my quirk.

She explained it to me as the fact that at the moment, I was feeling basic emotions like happy, sad, and anger. Sometimes, I was nervous, but I think that was simply because I am a nervous person. Even then, I only feel those emotions whenever there is a very strong reason to do so, and its easy to feel. It was easy to feel happy with my new friends. She said that wasn't a bad thing, but sometimes feeling isn't that easy.

She was right. I often felt numb whenever I was having trouble envisioning what feeling I should be feeling. Whenever Shoto and Natsuo ignored me, I didn't know what I was feeling.

Enji had decided that he would be the one to drop me and Shoto off at school everyday before he went to his hero agency. This meant I would have to spend fifteen grueling minutes with him while I rode to UA.

We sat on opposites sides of the car, refusing to acknowledge each other. The silence was loud, saying everything that we couldn't say. However, I wasn't surprised whenever Enji spoke up. "I expect the both of you to be at the top of your class, including your academics," He turned towards me, "Do not embarrass me. Both of you."

Shoto and I both gave him the faintest nod, but besides that ignored him. I didn't understand why Shoto ignored me, was the hate of our father not strong enough to bond us together?

I began to make my way into the building. The good thing about having a twin is that it's hard to get lost. Even if the two of you didn't talk to each other.

UA was a nice building. It had a modern look to it, and it was always in the works of being renovated so that it could become better. There was various classrooms, for all of the different courses. From General Studies to the Hero Course, there was a class for everyone.

Most of my classmates, just like me would have been enrolled through the entrance exam. There was four students that were enrolled through recommendations by top heroes. Shoto was one of them, and I was yet to meet the other one.

Down the hall, I saw a sign reading the words, '1A'. "I think this is our spot," I said to Shoto. He didn't say anything, he just simply nodded. I made a face as I looked at the door to the classroom. It was strangely tall. I considered myself to be an average height at 5'6, yet I looked like a gnome compared to it.

"Interesting," was all Shoto said.

I took a step back, allowing him to go in first. He opened the door, and we were met with the sound of an argument. A tall guy with dark hair and glasses was yelling at Bakugo. I lifted my right eyebrow, curious what they were arguing about.

"Take your feet off that desk right now!" The guy said, looking at Bakugo as if he had committed the worst of crimes.

"Huh?" Bakugo said obnoxious voice, lifting his head in challenge as he smirked. He had obviously heard the other guy, because he had put his feet up higher on the desk. I shook my head slowly, he was something.

"It's the first day of school and you are already disrespecting school property, you cretin!"

I was trying to stay away from Bakugo's temper for the first day or so, but I couldn't help it as a giggle escaped my lips. His head snapped towards me, "Shut up Sparky."

I blinked, stunned at the nickname. "That is the stupidest thing I have ever been called."

Bakugo sneered, "Then it fits you perfectly."

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but smile at the sheer amount of annoyance this guy gave me. This was going to be an interesting year.

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