chapter eight

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Enji's gaze swept over me as he realized how different I looked.

I was no longer the bright-eyed little girl he had sent away.

I liked to think that I was more mature and understanding of his true nature.

Many could say that I was sheltered in the asylum, but there I had been shown a world far darker than this one.

Whenever I saw my eyes in the mirror after I first left, there had been this haunted look to them.

I looked as if I had been through hell and back. I had seen things in those illusions.

They had tried to break me after all.

So, I looked at him with a cold look, showing how I was not there for him.

There was a few moments of silence before he invited me in.

These halls were so familiar yet so foreign. I had seen them in my dreams.

There, at the dinner table, sat my siblings.

Mom and Toya weren't there, but I hadn't expected them to be.

At least they had made me aware of those events while I had been gone.

Each of my remaining siblings had a different reaction.

Fuyumi had lit up, a flicker of uncertainty, but still excited. She seemed nervous.

Natsuo had looked away, not wanting to meet my eyes. We had used to be close, but he had never visited me while I had been locked away.

Shoto had narrowed his eyes as soon as I walked in. I stared back at him.

He had a scar now.

We had never been close, but a pang went through me as he looked away.

He didn't seem excited.




I looked over at Fuyumi, who had tears streaming down her face, "You- You look so different." She got up, wrapping her arms around me. A hug.

It was comforting.

"I missed you," She whispered. Her tears were dripping onto my shirt, but I didn't mind.

I liked this feeling. It's been awhile since I'd felt it.

"Thanks?" I said. She loosen her hug for a second, laughing a little bit.

She then took my hand, leading me to the empty seat next to her on the dinner table.

Enji took a seat at the head.

"So, here's an update on how our lives have been going," Fuyumi said, thankfully picking up the conversation before everything got quiet again.

"I've just been teaching at an elementary school nearby, and right now I'm on my second year of teaching. I've been helping with the ones who are struggling with their quirk like you did."

I thought of all of those poor kids, just like me. Scared to move too much for the fear that they will harm others.

"Natsuo, your turn!"

He spoke quickly, still avoiding eye contact, "Just College and shit."

"Shit?" I echoed, unsure of that word. I had never heard it before.

Shoto stiffled a laugh and Fuyumi froze.

"Let's not say that Himari."

I nodded slowly, "Right."

Not wanting to make the same mistake again, Fayumi spoke for Shoto, "And then Shoto is preparing to be a hero. He'll be starting at UA next month."

I snapped my head at him, "You're going to UA?"

Shoto gave the slightest of a nod and mumbled, "Yeah."

I turned to Enji, "Is it to late for me to apply?"

Even though he was a hero himself, Enji did not seem very excited by the idea of his daughter becoming a hero.

"Way too late," He snapped, but I wasn't done.

"Hawks said he could get me in," I retorted, watching his eye twitch.

"Guys- can we not?" Fuyumi interjected before it could escalate furthur, "Can we please just be a normal happy family? You haven't even touched your food yet Himari!"

I wanted to continue pestering Enji. I would go to hero school.

But as I gazed down at the steaming sukiyaki before me, a flood of memories washed over me. The savory aroma of the broth, the tender slices of beef, the delicate interplay of flavors—all of it summoned memories of a simpler time.

a/n: I feel so poetic

My mouth watered, and I began to eat.

I sipped the soup slowly. It was silent besides the sound of the clinks of the spoons against the bowls. I liked it that way. It was peaceful.

"Is everything okay?" Fuyumi asked after a few moments.

I nodded, "It's good."

It was really good. It was amazing.

who's afraid of little old me? | mha x ocWhere stories live. Discover now