chapter five

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I've been here for twelve years.

I knew my quirk as an extension of me.

My control was even better than my father's had been last time I saw him.

I had been taught to be unfeeling and cold.

However, they hadn't completely won.

Sometimes, the only thing that got me through was my dreams of being a hero.

I worked hard, training my ability when they decided to give me a break.

After all, there was nothing else to do.

After all, even after all of these years, I still wanted to be a hero.

If the world would accept me back.

Today was a big day.

Exactly seven days ago, I had gotten a letter slipped underneath my door, saying that I would be having a meeting with those who were keeping me here.

Now, I laid on my bed, swinging my legs over the edge. I knew I looked crazy in my tattered and burnt clothing.

I think I missed ice cream the most.

And human contact.

I hadn't ever had a true friend.

Touya, Natsuo, and Fuyumi had always been the distant older siblings.

Shoto and I hadn't really gotten along, always pitted against each other.

It would be nice to have a friend.

I smiled at the thought.


The door opened for the first time in a few years.

I was only given 'necessary' information.

Such as the news of my brother's death.

However, no one I recognized was there.

Instead, a blonde haired man walked in.

He looked calm and polished, the exact opposite of the current state I was in. Maybe that's just how most people looked. There were some sort of wings on his back. They looked interesting.

I knew I was a mess. He even cringed a little bit when he looked at me.

"You are Himari Todoroki?"

I frowned, "Who else would be here?" My voice sounded strange, I didn't use it often, so it was a little scratchy.

The man raised his eyebrow. Had I already done something wrong?

"Yes," I said quickly.

"I've been researching you for a while since I first came upon your file, and I was wondering if I could talk to you. I just wanna find out why you were shut in here almost as soon as you got your quirk," The strange man said, his eyes studying me as he tried to figure me out.

However, he would get nothing. I had learned how to control my emotions a long time ago. Being watched constantly had forced me too. I couldn't let them know when they got to me.

"Look," I said, "I just wanna leave. I really don't want to talk about what happened."

I didn't like thinking about that.

After all, it was my fault everyone in that store has been scorched.

"If you want to leave, we need to understand your story. I know its been awhile, but do you remember all the details?"

That moment has plagued me constantly for the past few years.

Who could ever forget that?

I nodded.

"If you'll come with me," The blonde man said.

I approached the door slowly at first, unsure of what to do.

Was this a trick?

There had been many illusions in which I had thought I had escaped.

Was this another one of those?

Last time, I hadn't been able to walk for days.

The illusions caused harm sometimes.


I hadn't realized I had stopped.

"Sorry," I muttered, snapping out of whatever nerves I had.

This was freedom.

I followed him down the hall into another room.

It was a plain looking room. There was nothing in it but a table and chair.

"So? Himari Todoroki, huh? You're a hard one to find," The blonde said, sitting in the chair and propping his feet up.

I stiffened, "I've been in the same place for the last twelve years."

The blonde man laughed, "Good point."

"Who are you?" The words slipped out before I could stop myself. I was just so curious.

He smiled, "You can call me Hawks."

"So, Himari," Hawks said, "Tell me your story. What happened that day?"

Sometimes, I had to stop myself and calm down, but I told him everything as truthfully as I could.

I watched as Hawk's expression went from pity to shock. Whenever I had told the police what had happened, they didn't believe me.

I knew how horrible that day had went, but that reaction hurt more than I thought it would.

A few years ago, a flame within me would've began to flicker, dancing across my arms.

Now? It didn't affect me at all.

"I want to leave so bad," I said, "I've perfected my quirk. I promise I'm not dangerous anymore."

Hawks gave me a smile, "I don't think you belong here, and I promise that by next week, you will see daylight again."

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