chapter nineteen

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"She's waking up."

The darkness that I had been in for the last few hours went away, as I came to.

I blinked for a few seconds, frantically trying to adjust to my surroundings.

I couldn't be back.

I was in a place with white walls, and I was on a bed. Shoto sat in a corner, while Fuyumi was next to me.

"Thank God you are okay."

Was I okay though?

I had lost control again.

The image of my classmate's faces were burned into my mind, a look a knew all too well.

Fuyumi had that look too, a look of worry that I didn't want to see.

I was fine.

I had sworn a long time ago to never let that happen again. Yet all it took was one failure, I lost once and I couldn't keep myself together.

I almost didn't want to ask, but I knew that I had to.

"Did I hurt anyone?"

Fuyumi paused, a look of uncertainty coming over her face. "I'm not allowed to answer any questions until Aizawa is in the room. He's coming."

Had something happened? Were they worried about the risk of me freaking out after hearing the news?

The next thirty seconds that it took for Aizawa to get here was maybe one of the longest waits of my life. I needed to know. I wasn't sure if I could live with another's blood on my hands.

As soon as he entered the room, Fuyumi gave me a half smile, "Everyone is alive, but a few of your classmates got a few burns, but nothing that Recovery Girl couldn't fix."

A wave of panic swept over me, but I pushed it down, trying to focus on not feeling. Akina would have murdered me for this, but right now any emotions seemed dangerous.

"I'm so sorry," I said. My classmates all probably thought I was a pyromaniac now, but that was okay. I had already decided what I needed to do. Even if it meant giving up on everything that had kept me going.

Hawks was going to kill me.

"Aizawa, I don't know if this decision has already been made for me, but I would like to drop the UA hero course." I said it quietly, but I knew he heard me from the way his expression shifted.

There was silence, and I saw Shoto snap his head up from the back of this corner, his eyes widening.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't let you do that." Aizawa said.

Oh, but I was doing it. The only thing stopping me would be the look on Enji's face, but I would have to wound my pride to keep the others safe.

I knew that my classmates would never look at me the same again. I had already seen the way most of my family had turned on me after the disaster, and I never wanted to see that happen again.

"Excuse me? What do you mean can't?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You have an incredibly strong quirk and still a great amount of potential among your classmates. I cannot and will not let you just give all that up. My quirk can easily stop yours. I was testing you earlier. With enough practice, that power will be yours."

"That was one hell of a test! I burned some of my classmates!" I snapped. "And people always tell me that it'll get better, and that some day I can control it. It doesn't work like that! I've been trying to get it to work for the last twelve years!"

I could see Aizawa giving up. This wasn't a battle that he was going to win. He could tell. He si

"Just know that you can always come back Himari," Aizawa said, turning and leaving. He paused.

"By the way, you ended up placing eighth overall."

I didn't respond, so he turned, heading towards the door. "Goodbye Himari."

Fuyumi turned, "I'm sorry Himari, but I won't let you make that decision just yet. Give her a week to think it over before you officially pull her out."

I shot her a glare, "This is my decision. I'm not going to change it."

However, she returned my look tenfold, "One week, and then you can do whatever the hell you want, but I'm not letting you do it this easily."

Aizawa turned to me, "I hope to see you again my class." He then left.

a/n: a bit of a shorter chapter, but excited for what comes next!

sorry I haven't been posting like at all, I may or may not have been reading fourth wing obsessively for the first time this week, but thank you so much for 3k views! that's amazing and I'm so thankful <3

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