chapter one

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It's been six months since anyone has visited me.

Did they forget about me?


Yes, a part of me whispers.

They wouldn't forget me, would they?

When I first came to this asylum, the screams had haunted me. In the very same corner I sat now, I had shook with fear, crying, screaming for someone to let me out.

All I had to do was talk to my family. They would save me from this. This horrible nightmare refuses to end.

I had told myself they would save me from a fate of loneliness and insanity.

Yet, here I stand, in this room, still isolated.

I didn't even get a chance to learn to control it.

For one week, I had my Father's approval.

I would never get it back.

For I had done an unspeakable crime. Something that made me unworthy of even living a decent human life.

Even if some part of me felt that it wasn't my fault.

a/n: soo, what do you think?

chapters will get longer as the book goes on

who's afraid of little old me? | mha x ocWhere stories live. Discover now