Chapter 3

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The fight between good and evil stretched out over the course of the whole night, including the next day. Even the Dark Ones were getting exhausted. Just as a Dark One was about to pounce on the unaware Flaro, everything stopped. As if the world had just been put on pause. Flaro and her other friends were lifted a few feet in the air, a dark mist surrounded them and was pinning their arms to their sides. They looked up at the sound of slow applause and the Dark One warriors bowed before their ruler. Slash appeared before them, the same evil, sly smile on his face that he always had when he had got something he wanted.
Flaro heard the sound of Shadow growling and Slash instantly turned his attention on his brother, "Hello Shadow."
"Slash." He spat in return, saying his name as if it were poison on the tongue.
"What do you want?!" Vortex growled deep in his throat.
Slash shrugged off the tone of Vortex's voice and carelessly walked around them, "Oh not much, anything wrong with paying my good friends a visit?"
Flaro fought back a laugh, "You have friends?"
Slash turned his head towards her and walked slowly to her side, studying her carefully as he walked in a circle around her and nodded with approval, "You. You are exactly what I need." He said quietly, as if to himself. Thorn struggled against his misty bounds, "What are you talking about?"
"What are you really here for?" Espee demanded.
Slash grinned wickedly and lowered Flaro down to his side, "Well, what I really came for, is to save my throne. You see, my rein over the Dark Region won't last forever. So, what better way than to pass it down to an heir. None of the Dark One females will do of course as I need someone stronger to give me a strong future king, and of course, become my Queen." He grinned and gripped Flaro's wrist and pulled her closer to his side, "And this young lady will be perfect for the role."
Flaro's eyes went wide and she scowled at him, concentrating hard and making her wrist literally sizzle as she made it burn. Slash winced and let go of her wrist. She took her chance and ran for it, only to be tackled by two of Slash's henchmen. She struggled against them with all her might, only to feel her energy being drained from her. She sighed, 'Great, new technique. Juuuuuuuust great.' Her eyes were growing heavy and the voices of her friends were getting further away as she slipped into a drugged sleep. The only thing that dragged her back to opening her eyes and fighting against the Dark Ones' new power was a little boy's voice. She looked up, "Polka?"
"Don't worry Flaro! I can help!" He called, his friends following behind him. Flaro gasped and dragged herself out of her holders' grip and raced to her brother, pinning him down just as a ball of darkness flew towards him. She held him close to her, and crowded the other children behind her, "What are you all doing?!"
"We wanted to help you too." Grenade said innocently.
Skullo hung his head, "Son, you're still in training."
Grenade shrugged, "So? I can still help."
Ruby sighed and closed her eyes, "Has the mind of his father." She mumbled.
Skullo frowned, "Hey! Now isn't the time to be mocking each other."
Flaro wrapped an arm around her brother's shoulders, protectively pulling him closer, and gripping his shoulder tightly. Polka looked up at his sister, "Flaro? What's wrong?"
Flaro sighed, biting her lip. She looked at Slash, "If I go with you, will you stop trying to kill my friends?"
Slash thought for a while, "Hmmm, sounds like a reasonable price, I have others I can't stand. It's a deal... Darling."
Flaro took a deep breath, chanting under her breath, "Don't burn his ass off. Don't burn his ass off." She sighed and turned her head away. Polka looked at her in confusion, "What is he talking about?"
Flaro looked down at her little brother and kneeled in front of him, tears were welling up in her red eyes, "Polka, I have to go."
"On a trip? Yay! Can I come too? We can play lots of games together, you can teach me more tricks, like that bar melting one. Oh! And we can-"
Flaro cut her brother off by shaking her head and stroking his cheeks with her thumbs, "No buddy, I have to go alone. I might not come back."
The happy and excited stars in Polka's eyes died away and his cute smile slipped as his bottom lip began quivering and his eyes watered, "B-but you promised. You promised to never leave me again!" He argued. Flaro's heart broke to see her precious brother's face so unhappy. She pulled him into a tight hug, "I know I did. And I'm sorry. But I'm doing this for you, for all of our friends."
Polka shrugged his sister off and pushed her away, "You swore on your life!" He yelled at her and turned and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him.
"Polka wait!" She called, shooting to her feet and running after her brother as Shadow freed himself and the others, holding Slash back so he wouldn't interfere.

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