Chapter 16

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A/N: wazaaaaap guys! It's the new year!!! Happy 2016 to you all!

In love...the thought seemed impossible to Slash. And yet, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. His heart rate increasing, the blushing, the smiling, the warm feeling, everything! He sat back in his seat up in the library and stared out the window, looking over the courtyard. Snow had managed to keep the snow around for a little longer. Flaro was out there again, making snow angles with Rain watching over her. Slash smiled down at the girl laying, giggling in the frozen fluff, unaware that he was admiring her from afar. It had been a week since his advisors had come to visit, and since then, they had been begging him to find a different woman to choose as his Queen. Of course he was ignoring them, but that didn't stop the pressure getting to his usually cool head. Well, it was until she had come along and tipped his world upside down. Bringing out feelings he didn't know he was capable of having, warming his icy heart, bringing out something else in him that made him feel happy. Slash groaned and leant his head against the window, keeping his eyes on her, 'Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?' He wondered as Flaro got up, throwing snow into the air and twirling once more. He smiled, hearing her muffled laugh through the window before turning and lifting his whiskey glass to his lips, gulping the liquor down and pouring another. The advisors really were getting to him if he was drinking as much as he was now. He was already feeling lightheaded and it was only 3 in the afternoon. The sun was beginning it's decent from the sky now, and Slash still wasn't through with the papers yet. With that, he glared at them picking up his pen and continuing with his work.

After a while, Flaro walked carefully down the hallway, holding two mugs of hot coco carefully. Ever since Christmas Eve, she and Slash had been getting on pretty well, which was surprising because they hated each other not that long ago. Maybe they were just used to each other now? At that thought, Flaro began wondering if the same would happen if The Dark and Light Ones were to be united. Then maybe all this chaos and war would melt away. Of course it was just a thought, there was no way they would be able to co-exist. She sighed and bumped the library door open with her hip and peeked inside, spotting him sitting by a window and seeming to be hiding something before turning to face her, "What's wrong?" He asked.
Flaro held up the mugs and smirked, "Thought you could use a little sugar rush. You've been doing your boring Kingly crap all day." She said, placing the mugs down and sitting in the chair beside him, curling up. Slash smiled and nodded, "I'm a busy man. What can you do when you're a King?" He sighed.
Flaro hummed, resting her chin in her arms as she peered over the papers, "What're they for?"
"Trades, letters, plans, that kind of stuff." He answered plainly, sighing something and placing it in another pile.
"Need a hand?" She offered, taking him by surprise. He stammered for words before she slipped a paper from his hands, "Oooh what's this?" She sang, waving it around before reading it. Slash got up and tried to take it from her but she just held it out of his reach. He sighed tiredly, "Give it back, I need to work." He went to take it again only for her to put a hand over his face, holding him at bay, "Hang on, I'm reading." She shushed him with a finger over her lips before her eyes scrolled over the typeface. Slash sighed, trying to ignore his blush as she kept her hand sprawled over his face. She hummed in thought then grabbed his pen from his hand too, a moan in protest the only fight she got as she removed her hand from his face and scribbled something down, "Move this here, don't need that, add this aaaaaand....." She finished with a flourish and handed him back the paper while he peered over her shoulder, "You're welcome." She winked. Slash blushed bright red as she walked back to her coco and he stared down a the paper, "How did you?... What?"
Flaro laughed behind her mug, "You underestimate me." She tutted.
"I see that." Slash sighed, placing the paper down on his finished pile, "Thank you."
"No worries." Flaro smiled back, putting her feet up over the chair arms and lounging back, "So, you gonna tell me why you looked like you were ready to crush someone's head when I came in?"
"Nothing of you to worry about. Just a little stress." Slash shrugged it off, he couldn't tell her that his advisors didn't want him to marry her. Even if she still didn't want too, he didn't want to stop his plans from going ahead. The first and one thing that made him feel this way was not going to be taken from him, even if she hated him for the rest of their lives. Flaro shrugged and lifted her mug again, "Punching a pillow usually works for me. It's less painful and damaging, plus it makes it really comfy to sleep on."
Slash smirked at her from the corner of his eye, "So that's why your pillows were always so plumped when you first came here."
Flaro blushed and looked away, "Maybe." She mumbled, muffling it slightly by drinking her coco. Her blush deepened at the sound of his laugh while he continued working until the sun went down. Flaro sometimes sitting beside him, trying to annoy him away from work or wondering the maze of books around her out of boredom.

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