Chapter 9

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Slash paced his study in deep thought. The Light One prisoners, in which case all of the prisoners, seemed to be getting their strength back. But how? Slash growled to himself and slammed his fist harshly onto the wooden desk in front of him. Why couldn't he think straight? He sat down in his chair and sighed heavily, pinching the skin between his eyebrows and screwing his eyes shut as a headache began to occur. He looked up as his sensitive hearing picked up a sound. He frowned and exited his study, walking down the hallway and stopping outside of Flaro's room. He leaned closer to the door to hear her voice singing softly. It sounded like a lullaby, calm, peaceful, and relaxed. Slash almost yawned just listening to it. Her voice was anglic, unlike any singing he had heard in his life. He rested his forehead to the wooden door and continued to listen, closing his eyes and letting a tiny smile play across his lips. She held the last note for at least 5 seconds before her room fell silent. He sighed and turned away from the door, glancing over his shoulder before walking back to his study, her song and voice playing over and over in his head.

Slash opened his eyes as a bright light shone through the window of his study. He sat up suddenly and realised he had fallen asleep with his head on his desk. He sighed and rubbed his face, resting his elbows on the desk. He yawned and stood before making his way to the door. As soon as he opened it, he saw Snow walking down the corridor and knocking softly on Flaro's door. He narrowed his eyes before walking to his own room to freshen up. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, his colourless eyes staring back at him. Dark Ones only had their pupils as any sign of colour in their eyes, the rest was just blank white. He sighed and dried his face on a towel before exiting his chambers and walking swiftly down the corridor. But he was stopped by a guard that watched the dungeon, "My King." He bowed in respect before continuing, "It seems as though the prisoners are getting back to their usual strength and health."
"I know that you imbecile! Have you found out why they are?" Slash asked, his voice sharp with anger, making the guard startle. He slowly shook his head, "No Sir. We cannot get the Light Ones to talk. The eldest in the prison just seems to be talking about a guardian angel that is helping them."
Slash growled and punched the stone wall, leaving a crack, but his fist hadn't a scratch on it. He turned to the guard, "Then find out! Leave the old man and make the ones who still have sanity talk. I don't care how you do it, just get me some answers or you will be their new cell mate." He said fiercely before leaving the guard slightly frightened. He pushed open the doors to the Dining Hall to see Flaro sitting in her usual seat, far away from his, pushing her food around the plate with a bored look on her face. She glanced up at him with a smirk, "Sup with you, Sir Cranky-Pants?"
Slash glared at her, "I am in no mood for you're childish behaviour." He growled, sitting in his seat at the head of the table. Flaro returned his glare with her red eyes, small flames of fury dancing in them, "I'm not a child."
"Then do not act like one." He remarked.
Flaro stood from her seat and pushed her plate away, "I've lost my apatite." She mumbled. Slash narrowed his eyes and used his powers to create a chain that wrapped itself around her wrist, "You're not going anywhere. I know what you're trying to pull. And it will not work this time. Now sit and eat."
Flaro melted the chain with her own powers, "I am not a dog either!!!" She screamed at him and shot some deadly flames to him. Slash narrowly dodge them from burning his face as they hit the backrest of his chair instead. He watched as she stormed out of the hall and slammed the doors behind her. The sound of the wood clashing together rang out through the room. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, "Why must she be such a handful?" He groaned.

Flaro kicked at the smooth floors, muttering curses and swear words under her breath. She sighed heavily and sat on the ledge of a window, making figures out of flames. Two of them looked just like her parents. She smiled weakly as a single tear slipped down her cheek. She was quick to wipe it away, afraid if anyone other than Snow saw her with a tear falling from an eye. She stood and continued to walk, trying to clear her head. But failing miserably.

A/N: lullaby Flaro sings in the vid above. So just in case anyone is confused on the Light One and Dark One's eye difference, just think of the Light Ones' eyes as normal eyes but not with usual colours. Dark One eyes are just really what your eyes look like when you wear white contact lenses. Hope that's cleared up for you, thanks for reading!

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