Chapter 13

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That evening, Flaro was back in the dungeons, spending time amusing the children with her fire figures while their parents rationed out the food she was able to gather. As she made the figures dance, Flaro frowned her brows in thought and confusion, what the hell was going on with Slash? He'd been acting completely out of character for... Well who knows how long? She didn't even know how long she had been stuck in this castle. Not to mention he said that he had been going easy on her, so she was pretty much screwed if she tried to fight him. As much as she didn't want to admit it, he was strong. With a long sigh, she lent back on a cell and closed her eyes as the pair of flame figures waltzed around the dungeon, everyone watching them.

Slash approached the door nervously, lifting his hand and knocking softly on the wood. No answer. He tried again, but still nothing. He frowned and opened the door and found the room completely empty. He gripped the handle tightly and stormed out of the room, growling. Where the hell was she now?! He wondered through the halls of the castle for almost an hour, ordering every guard he passed to find her. He flung to door of the study open, finding only a few maids dusting off the multiple bookshelves and looking up in surprise. He growled, "Where is Flaro?"
One of the maids brave enough to answer shrank back slightly, "No one has seen the Princess since she and Snow were in the kitchen Sire." She gulped. He growled again and slammed the door shut, moving to the next just as a guard rushed up to him, "Sire, I think you may want to see this."
"Can't you see I'm busy?!" He bellowed.
The guard shank away slightly and nodded, "Yes, I understand Sir, but this involves Princess Flaro." He said softly, hoping to not anger his King anymore. Slash's head snapped in his direction, "What?"
"Follow me Sire." The guard bowed and leading Slash down the hallway to a hidden staircase that lead all the way down to the very, very bottom of the castle, the dungeons. As they descended the steps, Slash frowned in confusion, "Why are we going down here? It's filthy." He scrunched up his nose.
The guard nodded as he held up a lit torch, "I know Sire, but I think we may have found out the mystery of why the prisoners are getting their strength back."
"And what does this have to do with Flaro?" He asked as they reached the bottom of the stone staircase.
The guard gestured to the door, "Take a look."
Slash stepped forward and peeked through the keyhole. Inside was barely lit by a dancing light that seemed to be traveling around the room, he leaned closer only to find there was two of them. He squinted further and gritted his teeth. It was her fire figures. He flung the door open and stormed inside. The prisoners shrank back and the woman in question shot to her feet, "What are you doing here?!"
"Me?!" He bellowed, making a beeline for her and grabbing her arm, "How dare you come down here and help these disgusting creatures."
At that, Flaro's anger shot through the roof and her whole body reached a temperature close to lava. Slash withdrew his hand from her in shock as she stalked menacingly towards him, "What did you just call us?" Her voice sounding like flames hissing in a wild forest fire. Slash narrowed his eyes and summoned his magic to the palms of his hands as she came closer, slowly. As if she were a lioness stalking her prey. Slash took aim and fired his magic, hitting her shoulder and stomach. She screamed in pain and anger as her whole body caught alight and she lunged at him wrapping her blazing hands around his neck tightly. Slash threw her off and shot at her again, hitting her foot and knocking her down. She growled and made the flames grow larger until her whole face was completely consumed by it. She screamed demonically at him again and crouched on all fours. She then pounced, her fingers out like claws. Slash aimed for her head and threw her back against a cell with an elderly couple inside. The flames shrank away and she weakly got to her feet, "You're the disgusting creature here." Her voice wavered weakly then she glared up at him with fiery eyes, "There are children in here! You're holding their parents captive and torturing them!!!" She screamed at him as he stepped closer to her. She built up the last of her energy and took a swing at his face, punching his cheek rather weakly, "You're a monster." She whispered, causing something to ache in Slash, and it defiantly wasn't his cheek. Flaro's glare died down as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she began falling to the floor. Slash's arms shot out and wrapped around her torso securely and looked up at the prisoners, staring at him in fear and at Flaro with worry and pain. He looked away from them and lifted the unconscious girl into his arms, bridal style, sweeping out of the dungeon.
He looked down at the girl in his arms, her head tilted back against his shoulder. Slash frowned, 'What happened back there? I've never seen that happen before.' He wondered until he finally came to first floor of the castle and made his way to her room. So it was her all along, he should have known. She was a Light One after all, how could he not have guessed?! He sighed and looked back down at her sleeping face, the ache was returning again. He reached the door to her bedroom and opened it with his magic before entering and closing it softly behind them. Slash looked between Flaro and the bed, hesitating slightly to let her go. He furiously shook his head, he had to get a hold of himself. He placed her limp body on the soft mattress with care and pulled the blankets up to her chin. He was about to grab the door handle and leave when she caught his eye again. Slash battled with himself before lowering his hand and walking back to the armchair across the room, sitting and watching over her once more.

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