Chapter 4

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Flaro's heart began racing in her chest as she and the guard walked towards the large black doors leading to where Slash awaited. The guard opened the doors for her to pass through and bowed as she passed him, her black heeled shoes clicking on the dark grey marble floor. She saw him sitting in his throne, his legs crossed and his chin rested on his hand. He grinned at Flaro wolfishly and rose from his seat, walking slowly towards her. She stood still, keeping her eyes high as he circled around her, "Beautiful. Stunning." He tilted her head back with his fingers under her chin to stare into her fiery red eyes, "Completely enchanting." He murmured. Flaro glared at him hard enough to make flames dance in her eyes. Slash sighed with a merciless smile, "Oh come now Flaro. You are a Princess by birth after all."
"Don't remind me." She mumbled, jerking her head away from his touch.
Slash tilted his head, "I've never completely understood you. You're a mystery. A mystery that is to scared to be solved."
"I'm not scared of you. I'm not scared of anything." Flaro said, her voice staying strong.
Slash grinned, "Really? Nothing at all?" He asked, advancing on her again, "Not even death?"
Flaro straightened her form futher, "Death is part of life, something that can't be helped. There is no point in fearing something that happens to even the best of us."
Slash grinned wider, "You really are an interesting one." He chuckled.
Flaro raised an eyebrow at him, "Why me?" A curious glint in her eyes.
Slash shrugged his broad shoulders, "I've always had a small spark of admiration towards you, you're courageous, strong, forward, confident, something that I need in order to make the perfect heir. And yet... under all that I can see a curious, frail little Princess, keeping her past hidden because it causes her too much pain to remember."
Flaro's eyes stung with tears, rising at the back of them. She blinked them away, "Who I am is nothing to do with you." Her voice wavering slightly. Slash reached to touch her cheek, but Flaro moved her head as his fingertips brushed against her skin. She was surprised at how gentle he was being. The Slash she'd always known was hellbent on killing his brother, not a gentle and easy going man. Slash noticed the confused look in her eyes and smiled, "Yes, I have different sides. But the main part, ALL of me is darkness." He threw his arms wide, "Look around you Flaro, you now have everything! Everything people dream of, why you must still remain in this mood I don't know."
Flaro turned her back to leave, "Because you've never known what it feels like to leave someone you promised to never leave again." She answered over she shoulder, a sad and distant look in her eyes. Slash sighed as she walked away, watching her closely, 'She's going to be a piece of work.'

That evening, Flaro was out on the balcony in her room, looking out over the horizon and down at the Dark Region. The people looked like ants in a nest, scattering around in all different directions. She leaned on her elbows and rested her head against the palm of her hand. She sighed as boredom over took her, Slash had still had all the doors leading outside locked. She was completely trapped in the dull palace. She began humming the lullaby she used to sing to Polka when he was a newborn. The song and memory brought tears to her eyes. She missed him so much. His voice, his hugs, his smile, his cute little laugh whenever they would spend time together. Flaro closed her eyes tightly as tears ran down her cheeks. She buried her face into her hands and cried her heart out, wishing her friends were here. With her. Her heart pined for them to come and rescue her. There was the sound of someone clearing their thoart behind her and she turned to see the elderly woman who had seen her earlier, "Milady? Are you alright?" She asked gently. Flaro felt her tears continue to fall and she ran to her, wrapping her arms around her for comfort. The woman was surprised at first, but then hugged her back as she sobbed into her shoulder. The woman patted her back and stroked her hair, "There there child. What's wrong?"
"I miss them so much." Flaro cried, she lifted her head, "Why did I have to leave Polka behind? I promised him I'd never leave again."
The woman patted her cheek, wiping her tears away, "Let's get you inside shall we? Then you can tell me all about it, alright?" She asked gently. As Flaro began to nod, the woman lead her back inside out of the cold.

A few hours later, Flaro was lying on her bed, still crying and the woman, who she soon found out was named Snow, sitting on the edge of the bed, stroking Flaro's hair out of her teary eyes, "You did it to keep him and your friends safe. If they're anything like you described, I'm sure they would never leave you behind." She said gently. Flaro turned her head to look up at her hopefully, "Do you really think so?"
Snow gave her a motherly smile and patted her shoulder, "I know so." She said softly. Flaro smiled and sat up, wiping her damp cheeks, "Thanks Snow." She whispered, hugging her again.
Snow patted Flaro's back, "You're welcome." She said gently.
The door to her room opened and Flaro and Snow looked up to see Slash standing before them. Snow jumped to her feet and bowed her head respectfully, "Good evening Sire." She said quietly. Flaro turned her gaze away from Slash as he stared at her, "You've been crying."
"Wow, nothing gets passed you does it Sherlock?" Flaro said sarcastically. Slash narrowed his white eyes and said without averting his gaze away from Flaro, "Leave us."
Snow obeyed his order and exited the room, unaware of Flaro sadly watching her go. Slash closed the door behind her and stared silently at Flaro as she sat on her bed, staring out the window, "I hate you." She said, her voice dripping with venom. Slash smiled, "I know." He replied simply.
Flaro glared at him, "Do you always enjoy people's pain? Tearing familes apart and killing anyone who dares to stand up to you?" She said rising to her feet as her voice rose with her.
Slash grinned, "It's what I was created to do. I am made of nothing but my dear brother's bad blood that he would not let out. He disappointed our father. He lead to Drakon making a machine to create a more suitable and worthy son to sit on the Dark throne."
"And then you killed him." Flaro growled.
Slash shrugged his shoulders, "Of course I did! The old fool underestimated my abilities despite creating me in the first place. I'm pure evil energy. Nothing more than flesh, bone and darkness inside me that gives me more power than you can dream of." He said, holding his hand up and letting his power cloud around it.
Flaro watched it and rolled her eyes, "Power isn't everything." She mumbled.
Slash walked towards her, dispite the fact that she was 2 years younger than him, she was a handful. Like a stubborn mule. He reached out and hooked his forefinger under her chin and pressed his thumb on her chin to keep her head still. He tilted her head back to meet his eyes, "In this world, there is nothing but power. You will learn that soon enough." He turned to exit the room while still speaking, "Come to the Dinning Hall within an hour. Dinner will soon be done."
Flaro watched him leave and raised an eyebrow in confusion, why was he being gentle? What was with him? Flaro shook her head and glared at the door, she would never understand him, nor did she want to.

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