Chapter 15 Christmas Special!!!

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A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cutest sleigh ever and my Christmas jam is above ^.^ join me! Here's another chapter for ya, have a good one ^.^

Another dreary morning greeted Slash as he opened his eyes. He sat up and sighed, rubbing his eyes and dragging his hands down his face. Throwing the blankets off his legs, he walked to the en-suit bathroom in his chambers and faced the mirror, leaning his hands either side of the sink. He then glanced at his hair and watched as his cheeks turned red, Flaro's words from a few days ago echoing in his head. Slash glared at himself and splashed his face with icy water, "Snap out of it you idiot." He muttered to himself, turning away from the mirror, unaware that his hands trying to fix the unruly way his hair had settled overnight. (Awwww trying to impress someone are we ;) tehehehee)

After dressing himself, he exited the room and glanced over to her door. He looked around too see no one in sight and sped walked over to the dark wood door before he could think twice. Slash raised a fist to knock but instead lowered it to the handle, this was his home after all. He opened the door and froze. His face felt as if it were on fire at the sight in front of him as Flaro got dressed! Her head snapped over her shoulder and she screamed, throwing a stream of flames in his direction, "GET OUT YOU PERVERT!!!"
Slash hurriedly slammed the door closed and leant his back against it. His face still burning bright red while the image was permanently etched into his head. Seconds later, the door was thrown open and Slash stumbled back before she shoved him forward, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!"
He turned to her and held his hands up, "I didn't know you were getting dressed! You could've put up a sign or something!"
Slash took a step back, "Alright I'm sorry. Calm down before you wake up the whole kingdom."
Flaro's face was flushed red as she barged passed him, stomping on his foot, "Screw you." She muttered, her voice shaking. Slash sighed and watched her run off before turning and hitting his head softly against the wall multiple times, "Idiot." He mumbled before leaning his head against the wall and looking down at his foot. He wriggled his toes slightly and blinked, 'That actually hurt a little.' He thought, regaining his posture and running hand over his hair awkwardly before walking the same way Flaro had ran for her life. He found her soon after in the Dining Hall, sitting three seats further from him than usual, curled up in the chair and hugging her knees to her chest whilst pushing her porridge with her spoon. She didn't look up when he entered, but did growl slightly when he walked towards her, "One more step and I'll fry you."
"We both know you don't have enough power yet. You're still recovering and you used that attack earlier." He pointed out, standing a few feet from her. Her hair fell closer to her face as her red eyes narrowed in a non-menacing way, "Go away."
Slash sighed, "I'm sorry alright? What else do you want?"
"You didn't see anything?" She inquired, staring at him from the corner of her eye. Slash blushed again and shook his head, "N-no, nothing at all." He stuttered. Then blinked in surprise, did he just stutter?!
"Liar." Flaro mumbled, her eyes back on her breakfast as she continued playing around with it, drawing patterns in the goo. Slash looked away and scratched the back of his neck, "I didn't exactly mean to see anything you know."
"So? You should've knocked. Instead you barge in like... Like-"
"Like I own the place?" He raised an eyebrow at her and threw his arms open, "In case you forgot, I really do."
Flaro stood from her seat, "That doesn't matter! And stop finishing my sentences. It's more annoying than your face."
Slash snorted slightly, "Another bad insult, cute." He smirked at the blushing woman in front of him as she clenched her fists at her sides. He then began walking passed her to his own seat, "Better hurry and eat up before it gets cold."
"Lost my appetite." She murmured, walking out of the hall and slamming the doors behind her. Slash looked at the doorway and sighed heavily, "She can't just take the apology?" He mumbled.

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