Chapter 12

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Three weeks. Three damn weeks she had been avoiding him. Slash stormed down one of the many hallways of his palace, in search for that stubborn fire princess. Everyday was the same, she would eat in total silence, shovelling her meals down just so she could get out of the room and disappear once again. Every time she would run into him, she would just turn on her heel abruptly and run the other way. 'Well, not today.' He thought as he continued down the hallway of the second lowest floor. The only place he hadn't looked yet was the servants' quarters. But why would she be down here? He scrunched his nose up at the place. Small, damp and a disgrace to the rest of the palace. Thank goodness it was below the rest of the castle. Some maids looked surprised when they saw the King sweep passed, but not surprised by the scowl on his face. He checked every room he passed, nothing. He sighed and paused for a moment to think, 'Where the hell is that insolent-'
The sounds of giggles interrupted his thoughts and he followed the sound to a room where he never thought he would set foot in. The kitchen.
Flaro was ducking behind the bar as Snow was on the other side of the room, was also ducking behind cover with something sloppy in each of their hands. Flaro took her shot only for it to pause in the air, inches away from Slash's face. The two women stopped and jumped to their feet, Snow bowed in apology, "Forgive us Sire, we were just-"
Slash held his hand up to stop her from talking, his gaze fixed on the girl in black across the room, awkwardly fiddling with her messy fingers. He narrowed his eyes as he walked closer to her, finally coming to a stop a few inches away from her, "You're avoiding me." He stated emotionlessly.
Flaro backed away, placing a hand over her shoulder again as she stared back at him. Slash remained confused for a moment before he realised why she was covering her shoulder, "I see... So I do have an affect on you after all do I?" He smirked, feeling oddly proud that he was able to make her nervous. He took another step forward and Flaro's blank stare turned into a deathly glare, "Take another step and I'll burn your lips off." She threatened, holding her hand out, palm facing him. He raised an eyebrow and grinned at her, "But if you did that I wouldn't be able to give you anymore kisses."
Snow's eyes widened as she looked over to Flaro with a quizzical look. She blushed in response and jumped in surprise when her outstretched hand was covered by his larger one. His eyes darkened as he pulled her closer again, "Would you really want that?" He whispered, "Especially after just the thought of it is making you blush?"
Flaro backed away more, only to bump into a trolly of equipment. He had her cornered. Slash sighed heavily and hooked a finger under her chin, "You're still so arrogant. Honestly, you should feel honoured that I'm even paying you this much attention, plenty of women here would beg for this much, I can guarantee."
Flaro finally snapped out of it and pushed him away as his head swooped down to hers, barely pecking her lips (whoa, Slash, sup with you?!) He stumbled back slightly as she used the trolly as a shield, "Stop that you perverted creep!" She yelled, gripping her side of the trolly tightly and jabbing it at him repeatedly to keep him at bay. ( _ ohhhhhhhhhhh she went there!) Slash rolled his white eyes and grabbed the other side of it, leaning forward, "Why? It's entertaining seeing you so helpless against me. It almost looks like you enjoy it." He winked as her cheeks flamed up even more, "Do you?"
Flaro glared at him and threw a ball of fire at his face, only for it to disintegrate before it could touch him. He shook his head, "You'll have to do better than that sweetheart. I've grown accustomed to your abilities. You're powers are practically useless against me now."
Flaro growled and pushed the trolly at him again, trying to wound him but he stayed put, holding the trolly back with little effort, "I've been going easy on you my dear. Letting you throw fireballs around and trying to kill me was fun yes, but seeing you in such a cherry faced state is much better. I think I've found a new way to amuse myself around you." He hummed thoughtfully, "What should I do next?" He tapped his chin sarcastically while watching her out of the corner or his eye. Flaro stood frozen on the spot, this guy was insane! If he thought for one second she was going to let him touch her again, he was way off. Slash smirked at her and leant his palm on the trolly, leaning closer to her, "Perhaps I should move our big day up to next month."
Flaro concentrated everything she had and slammed her hand over his, her own glowing bright red as it sizzled. She grabbed his collar so he couldn't pull away and hissed disgustedly, "I will never be your Queen. Let alone your little play thing, you good for nothing, perverted scumbag!!! I ought to rip those filthy lips of your's off!" She finally lifted her hand from his, revealing his smoking, melted, bloody skin as it peeled away, showing some bone. He rolled his eyes and weaved a thin layer of dark mater around it, more smoke leaving his hand as it made a 'shhhhhhhhhh' sound. The dark mater retreated and he flexed his newly healed hand, not a single scratch or scar present on his pale skin. He smirked at her again, "Be my guest. But it won't do you any good. Face it my darling, you fighting against me now is pointless."
Her hand whipped out and smacked him across the face, the sound echoing off the walls along with Snow's not so subtle gasp. Slash turned his head back towards her, a bright red hand print on his cheek as he chuckled, "It's nice to know you still have your feisty side, though I must admit. It's very intriguing." He then pinned her hands down onto the trolly with his own, casting his magic around her wrists so she couldn't pulled away as he grabbed the back of her neck and moulded his lips to hers. Flaro yelped in shock and tried to pull her head back but his hand on her neck stopped her, keeping her firmly in place. She screwed her eyes shut and tried kicking him under the trays of the trolly between them but he didn't even flinch! Who the hell was this guy anyway?! 'This is classed as harassment! Get your damn paws off of me you freak!!!' She jerked her head forward and head butted him, but still nothing. He moved both of his hands up to the back of her head, burying his fingers in her hair as he leaned closer, seeming to lose himself. She jolted, her eyes widening at what felt like an impossible size, when she felt a sting on her lower lip. He bit her. He. BIT. Her!!!! Feeling his grip loosen on her, she took the chance to jerk her head away and ram him into the countertop, her hands still tied to the trolly as his stomach crashed into it, and his back smashing against the counter, causing him to grunt in pain. She ripped her hands from the trolly and threw it aside, punching him square in the nose, "I'm gonna kill you!" She screamed, about to pounce on him before Snow grabbed her, holding her back. Slash healed his broken nose and rolled his eyes, "Of course you are." He then swiped his thumb over her lower lip, wiping away something red, "What are you doing to me?" He sighed before leaving the room, closing the doors behind him. As soon as he was gone, Flaro raced to the sink and stuck her mouth under the tap, the ass even made her bleed! She washed her mouth out repeatedly, trying to rid her taste buds of his kiss. Snow came beside her and shook her head sighing, "What on Earth are you doing?"
Flaro paused for a moment, "What does it look like? Ridding that pervert from my mouth! I need to shower after this." She grumbled, washing her mouth out again, before drying her face on a towel, "And scrub myself until I'm raw."
Snow rolled her eyes, chuckling, "You're acting like you've never been kissed before."
"I have." Flaro grumbled, thinking back to her birthday and Thorn. Her heart sank, she missed them so much. She sighed and glared at the floor, "But that's not the point. He's evil and crazy and a total perv. How dare he even do that!"
Snow nodded, "Alright. You win there. Now, why don't we just forget about it and clean up this mess before we go back to teaching you how to cook?"
Flaro looked around at the blobs of mixture on the walls and rubbed the back of her neck, "Good idea." She grinned guiltily.

On the other side of the door, Slash stood, hands clenched behind his back, how dare she say such things behind his back?! He stomped away from the kitchens with a deep scowl on his face, barging passed a few guards and maids. Once he had reached the first floor again, he paused and touched his tingling mouth cautiously. Why had he done that? What had taken him over to make him loose his self-control?

A/N: oooooo we're getting somewhere ^3^ hope you guys are liking it, feel free to comment your opinions and sry it was short, I'm ill... Again -_- next weekend, I may not be able to update cuz I'm going to some rock n' roll charity concert on Saturday. It's a yearly thing me, mum, nan, and aunt Susan do. So if I'm not updating, you'll know why. But I will try. Maybe the day after or the day before. Well, that aside I'll leave you to your imaginations until maybe next week ;) byeeeeeeeeeeee

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