Chapter 27

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Flaro slumped against a tree gripping her arm to her side and closing her eyes. She was exhausted. After the attack, the others had set about clearing the debris that the dragons had caused, or securing the advisors to a tree so they wouldn't escape when they woke up. She opened her eyes to look over to Shadow and Espee's place where the injured had been taken to be treated. Sighing, Flaro leant her head back against the tree and closed her eyes again, letting her body finally relax as her skin tingled, slowly closing up the wounds her fire had caused.

It wasn't long before Flaro jolted and opened her eyes again to find she had dozed off. Ruby stood over her with her eyebrow raised and a medical kit in hand, "Are you done avoiding getting that arm seen too or are you gonna man up?" She smirked. Flaro poked her tongue out at her playfully and allowed Ruby to inspect her shoulder. She grimaced, "Jeez, how did you manage this?"
Flaro shrugged her good shoulder, "I probably landed on it when I went down with those dragons." She yawned. Ruby frowned at her in concern, "How long has it been happening again?" She asked, referring to Flaro's powers.
"This is the second time. It happened during my first few months at the castle."
Ruby shook her head, "But Espee and I suppressed it. How has it come back?"
"How am I supposed to know? All I know is that I'm healing quicker, so I guess I'm getting used to it. I'll be back to being totally fire proof in no time." Flaro smiled then bit her tongue as Ruby moved her arm. Ruby gritted her teeth, "Sorry." She said apologetically.
"FLAROOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Polka's little frame crashed into Flaro's good side and he snuggled close to his sister, "You're ok!"
Flaro giggled and ruffled his hair, "You doubting me little man?"
"No, but he was worried about you. All of us were." Ember smiled, walking calmly behind Polka with Ash in her arms. Flaro smiled up at her, "I'm fine Mom."
"Good. Because you scared the crap out of your father and I. Don't you ever do something like that again young lady!" Ember scolded before sighing with relief and kneeling to hug her three children. Polka looked up at his sister's shoulder, "Does it hurt?"
"Like hell." She smiled weakly, "But come on, riding on some unruly dragons and skydiving 10,000 feet? Worth it." She sang, making Polka and Ash giggle while their mother rolled her eyes, "Not worth it." She sang back. Flaro rolled her eyes as well before looking down at her arm and sighing, "This is gonna be sooooo boring."
"At least it will make you sit still for once." Ruby smirked again and Flaro mimicked her childishly before pouting, "Meanie. Just tell me the damage already." Flaro mumbled and looked away while Ruby carefully tended to her arm, "You're shoulder is broken in several places, torn ligaments, a few breaks in your arm and a couple fractures, some ripped muscles but aside from that you seem all good." She said softly, fixing the sling that was now cradling Flaro's injured arm, "You got quiet a collection there."
Flaro looked down at it and pouted, "Boo." She mumbled repeatedly while poking at the cast that was now wrapped around her arm. Ruby patted her head, "There there. You'll be all healed and free to run around again soon." She giggled before looking around at the sound of footsteps crunching over the grass, "Oh, you're boyfriend's here." She teased, poking Flaro's cheek. Flaro looked at her in confusion then peeked over her friend's shoulder to see Slash coming towards them. She let out a small squeak and hid behind Ruby, clutching her shoulder tightly, 'You're in so much trouble.' He had said just before the fight finally ended. She had no idea why, but she was slightly afraid by what he meant. He was the King of Darkness and evil after all, hell knows what he had meant! Flaro gulped nervously as he stalked closer, a dangerous flicker in his blank eyes. Ruby ducked away from her grip just as Slash reached them and glared at Flaro, "We need a chat." He growled, sweeping her up bridal style and carrying her away. Flaro called to the others over his shoulder, begging them to save her but they just giggled and waved to them, "Play nice!" Ruby called. Flaro growled at her, "Traitors!" Before slumping in Slash's hold, a sulky pout fit for a toddler on her face as he carried her back into the hut.
He kicked the door closed and Flaro peeked up at him through her hair, "Are you mad at me?"
He didn't reply and instead carried her to her room placing her down and propping her head on a pillow. She frowned, "If you're gonna yell just do it."
"I'm not going to yell." He sighed softly, sitting in the other side of her bed and staring down at his crossed legs, "You could've died."
Flaro looked down as well, "Sorry. I couldn't just hide and let everyone else fight. I had to help. And when that tree fell on my parents and Ash, I lost it. I'm sorry." She then tried to lighten the mood by nudging his thigh with her foot, "But it was pretty awesome though."
A small laugh escaped him as he shook his head and lay back on his side, staring at her shoulder, "Does it hurt?"
Flaro rolled her eyes, "Not at all smart guy." She mumbled, "A bunch of breaks, a crushed shoulder, torn ligaments and muscles, nahhhhh doesn't hurt a bit."
Slash smiled at her sarcasm before checking the rest of her, "You healed up from that fire faster than last time too."
"Yeah. I suppose my body's just getting used to it now. When it first started I was ringing the little bell on death's door. Now, nothing." She shrugged, "It didn't even hurt this time either like it did in the dungeons."
Slash nodded, seemingly happy with her explanation before looking back down at her crushed shoulder. He lifted his hand and conjured up the last of his magic. Flaro frowned at his hand, "Don't you dare. You need to rest before you use anymore magic."
"I feel perfectly fine. I'm not the one with a crushed arm." He frowned back, placing his hand gently over her shoulder, "Now stop complaining and let me heal what I can."
"You're not fine and you're not healing me! You need to heal yourself dumbass! You had four arrows sticking out of you not ten minutes ago!" She yelped, pointing to the bloody patches in his shirt. Slash rolled his eyes and used his other hand to reveal his fully healed torso, not a scar in sight, "Already good to go." He smirked as he continued on Flaro's shoulder, frowning slightly, "You weren't kidding about it being crushed. I think this is the first injury I won't be able to heal at my normal speed. This could take days of me trying to piece the bones back together."
"Exactly. And for you to do that, you actually need magic. So shut your pie hole and rest before I make you."
Slash paused his task and narrowed his eyes at her, flicking her thick cast, "And what are you going to do? Knock me out with your cast?"
"Maybe." She shrugged her good shoulder, knocking on her arm, "Seems hard enough."
Slash shook his head and continued to heal her shoulder, she was right though, he was beginning to feel lightheaded. Flaro turned to him and pushed his hand away, "Would you stop?"
"Don't need too."
"Yes you do! You look like you're about to pass out!" She reached over and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "And it feels like you have fever."
"I can't get sick." He mumbled, finally dropping his hand and closing his eyes.
Flaro gave him a skeptical look, "Yeah, when you have enough magic to boost your system. What about when you're pretty much running on empty?"
Slash frowned, "I never thought about that." He went to open his eyes again but closed them as soon as Flaro's fingers began brushing through his hair, "Take a rest ok?"
He hummed, fighting the exhaustion, he still needed to ask her something. He leaned closer to her touch and sighed, "Did you mean it?"
"Mean what?" Flaro asked, looking down at him with a raised eyebrow.
"What you said. In the bathroom earlier when you said you loved me." He mumbled. Flaro's fingers stopped, making him frown slightly and look up at her. She was blushing a glowing red and looking awkwardly around the room, "I urrr...." She stammered, his stare making her feel slightly uncomfortable, "Maybe."
He smirked, "Flaro." He said firmly, earning another blush and small puffs of steam from her ears. She looked away and hide under her blanket, "Yes. Don't laugh ok?"
Slash grinned at her hidden figure triumphantly and shuffled closer, leaning down to kiss her head, "I won't. I love you too." He whispered close to her ear before settling down behind her and spooning her carefully. Flaro's eyes widened at his words and she looked over her shoulder, only to find he was already asleep. She sighed and bit back the face splitting grin that was threatening to break out as she lay back down and snuggled closer to his hold.

A/N: awwwww. Short and sweet this week guys. This is all I had time to write so I'm really sorry it's a lot shorter than usual. I haven't checked it either yet but I will later so sorry for any spelling screw ups XD Hopefully next week I'll have more time because I'm only in college for one day then I have two weeks off, yesss! But it all depends on if I have any work to do. Hopefully I won't and I'll be back to the normal 2000+ words XD see ya next week, love ya!!! ^^

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