Chapter 20

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A/N: hey heeeeey everyone ^.^ hope everybody had an interesting week like I did XD seriously the pic above, he is hanging from the ceiling of one of the art rooms at college XD XD XD we all called him Paul. Don't question the logic of Paul, just go with it. Don't even worry 'bout it... Yea. Anyway enjoy the chappie ^.^ and thanks for reading!!!!

Flaro stirred and scrunched her face up in frustration, why'd her sleep have to slip away now? She grumbled unintelligible words before forcing her eyes open and coming face to face with a chest. She then noticed the soft breathing beside her and slowly moved her head up. Her face burned bright red as Slash's sleeping face came into view and bit back a scream. She then looked down to see his arms were wrapped securely around her waist, allowing her no escape and what was worse, she was clinging onto him as if her life depended on it! Her legs were wrapped around his torso and her arms were around his chest, clinging to the back of his shirt. She looked like a baby sloth on it's mother's back! She tried to unwrap herself from him, only for his arms to tighten around her. She squeaked and Slash's white eyes flew open. They stared at each other in silence, their situation finally sinking in as both their faces glowed red. Flaro struggled in his grip, "Would you let go already?!"
Slash blinked and hurriedly unwrapped his arms from her and she shuffled away, "What are you doing in my room again?!"
"You don't remember?" He raised an eyebrow before smiling in amusement when she blushed again, and for some reason checked under the quilt before sighing in relief. (Oh my... Flaro, woman no! No..... No. Jeeeez no....... XD XD XD XD XD XD XD Not yet ;P jokin!) She then looked back to him and shook her head. Slash sighed and lay on his back, getting comfortable again, "You blacked out after we kissed." He smirked. Flaro felt as if tiny puffs of steam were flying from her in embarrassment, "Oh yeah..." She then shook her head and continued to glare at him, "That doesn't explain why your in my bed, again."
"I was carrying you back and you just started hugging me like a Koala hugging a damn tree! You weren't letting go either so I just gave up and went to sleep." He shrugged then nodded to where her feet were poking up under the quilt, "Oh yeah, and you did actually manage to break a couple toes when you kicked that brick. I fixed them up with some healing spell for broken bones. You're welcome."
Flaro wriggled her toes as she mumbled a sulky thank you, turning her back to him and crossing her arms over her chest, pouting and blushing. Slash smiled at her back, "So I affect you that much huh?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." She huffed, causing a short strand of hair to blow up and onto her face. She heard shuffling behind her and froze when his fingertips gently brushed the hair aside, "What if I kiss you again?" He said softly beside her ear. Flaro squeaked again and rolled under the quilt for cover, her face burning and her heart pounding. She could hear him sniggering under his breath as he lay back down and sighed, "Thought so." He hummed.
Flaro curled up smaller, "Idiot."
"Thank you."
Flaro glared into the mattress as silence settled over them again, 'Why is he so annoying?!' She thought angrily, curling up even smaller.
"We only have 29 days..." He muttered, staring over to the lump that was Flaro. She shifted slightly but didn't reply. He sighed and looked back up to the ceiling, "And if my advisors have a say in anything, they'll be wanting an heir soon after."
The lump shot up and Flaro's sheet covered head appeared, "What?!" She then lifted the sheets from her eyes to see him nodding. Her annoying blush returned, "As in, a kid?"
Slash nodded again, still staring upwards. Flaro gulped and pointed between them, "Us? Having a kid?"
"That's what an heir is. The child of the King and Queen right?" He sighed, looking over to her and seeing her face burning like a brand straight out of the fire, he raised an eyebrow, "What?"
She stared at him incredulously, "What do you mean what?! I know you weren't made that way but do you know how babies are made Dumbass?!?!" She screeched, throwing a pillow at him and hiding back under the quilt. Slash pushed the pillow away from his head and felt as if his own face was on fire, "O-oh... Right." (*facepalms* ohhhh boy)
"I'm not doing that."
"We won't exactly have a say."
Flaro glared at him from under the quilt again, "I don't care! Those Grandpas would have to hang me from a tree before I have a baby!" She yelped as she tried to kneel up but instead got her foot caught around the tangled sheets and slipped to the side, falling off the edge of the bed. She screwed her eyes shut as she waited for her side to crash onto the hardwood floor, but nothing happened. She frowned and opened her eyes to see herself wrapped with a line of dark magic. She looked over her shoulder as Slash flicked his finger towards him and she was thrown back beside him, he rolled his eyes and sighed, "Honestly, you should be more careful."
Flaro grumbled at him, wrapping the quilt around her tighter earning a pout from him, "And you stealing all the blankets too."
"This isn't your bed Bozo!" She glared at him, poking his side with her foot, "Shoo."
"No." He grinned, closing his eyes. She growled and tired to push him over the edge, "Why are you so stubborn and perverted!"
"Hey, I haven't done anything perverted." He defended.
Flaro groaned in frustration and flicked his forehead, "You threatened to kiss me again."
"Because I like teasing you. It's fun to see how you react to me." He winked, making her blush again as she went to punch his arm, "You're doing it again!"
He grabbed her fist before it could make contact and pulled her closer, "If you want to see perverted, I'll show you. Until then, stop pushing me and maybe I'll stop teasing." He smirked up at her before stealing back half of the quilt, "Now then, I'm going back to sleep for a little while, it's still early. Good night."
"Hey!" She began shaking his shoulder, "You can't just say something like that and sleep here! Go away."
Slash groaned and turned to her, "I just said stop pushing me."
"I will when you stop acting like this. It's weird. Where's the evil, psychotic King that put me in this prison in the first place?" She ranted, panting in anger. Slash stared up at her for a few seconds before sitting up, leaning on one hand and inching closer to her with an angry and dangerous look in his eyes. Flaro froze in fear, screwing her eyes shut and tensing up, 'Oh no, I said something.' She thought as her mind panicked. She then felt her panic melt away when his lips met hers again. She knew she should be struggling but... She couldn't bring herself too. After what felt like ages, he finally pulled away and she could breathe again, well barely, her heart was still in her throat. She looked up at him to see the anger had disappeared from his white eyes and was replaced by something that made her shiver. He smiled crookedly before standing, "He woke up." Was all he whispered before he left her sitting on her mattress, too stunned to even go after him and yell at him as usual. She stared at the open door and pressed her fingers to her lips, now there was definitely steam coming out of her ears. (Alright now we're gettin somewhere. About time you two sheesh       -_-)

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