Chapter 21

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Flaro's hands trembled as she reached for the seal, running her fingers over the all too familiar flame crest. She took a shaky breath and lifted the seal, opening the envelope. She was all to aware of Slash's eyes never leaving her as she pulled the letter from the envelope and held it in her hands. Unfolding the paper, more tears welled when she saw her mother's neat, cursive writing flowing across the page with grace,

King Slash of the Dark Region,

I, Queen Ember of the Fire Region, am writing to you on behalf of our kingdom and family to tell you that we have received news that my daughter, Princess Flaro, is currently in your Region. I do not usually ask this of anyone, especially an enemy, but please. Please allow me and my husband to see our child. As you would possibly know, she has been missing for 6 years, as well as our oldest son Polka who has been missing for 2. If you have any kind of heart please let us see our babies again. We miss them terribly and everyday has broken our hearts since Flaro and Polka left. We would very much appreciate it if you could let us pass your broader to visit. We will come completely unarmed and will be alone. You have our word that no attack will be launched and that we are coming to only see our daughter again. We'll be anxiously awaiting your reply and hope you agree. Thank you.

Queen Ember and King Blaze of the Fire Region.

Flaro sniffled and wiped her eyes before staring at the beginning of the letter, her mother had called Polka their oldest son? That would mean... She hurriedly looked at the other page in her hand, it was addressed to her. She bit her lip and looked up as Slash leaned forward, "What is it?"
"She wrote a letter to you and to me. She... Mom called Polka her oldest son." She whispered, feeling tears spill from her eyes, not being able to hold them back. He stared at her in shock before scanning the letter addressed to himself. He shot up and walked over to her as she sobbed quietly. He scooped her up and sat down with her curled up on his lap. He knew by this point she didn't care, she just needed comfort. He hushed her softly, cradling her like she was a fragile china doll that could break at any moment. Flaro sniffled and curled up smaller, "I didn't want to hurt them." She whispered. Slash tightened his arms around her, offering her any kind of comfort. His heart leapt when she curled up closer to him, burying her face into his chest. He fought a smile against her shoulder before she pulled back and looked down at the second letter, deciding to read this one out loud to him, "My dearest daughter, we've missed you so much and the castle feels so quiet without you here with us. Whenever we'd think of you, we'd always go done to the kitchen just to see if you were there trying to smuggle cookies again. You had a really bad habit with those, much like your father." She giggled and nodded, "So true. It was Dad that helped me the first time." She sighed as Slash smiled at her before she continued reading, "We also have some big news for you too, and if Polka is there with you, tell him that we love him very much as well as your new little brother." Flaro sat up straight at this point, "He was born on Christmas day last year, that makes him 1 year old. We named him Ash, after your first bear that you wouldn't go anywhere without...... Oh wow." She grinned widely at Slash, "I'm a big sister again." She laughed. The more she read out loud, the more Slash's guilt grew, he had taken her away from her younger brother once. The sound of her excitement as she read about her second baby brother pulled at his newly warm heart, maybe if he had taken the boy too he wouldn't feel so bad now. Flaro noticed the look on his face and raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry." He whispered. Flaro blinked in surprise, what was with him all of a sudden? She stiffened when he buried his face into her neck, sighing heavily, "Your other brother. I took you away from him."
Flaro awkwardly patted his head, "I know. I'm not gonna say don't feel bad though. Because I still hate you for it. But I do kind of forgive you. You're not as cold hearted as before I guess."
He lifted his head, his white eyes staring at her in desperation, making her uncomfortable, "What? What is going on with you? You're acting like a lost puppy."
Slash ignored her remark and pressed her head to his shoulder, "I'll make it up to you."
'Well this is escalating quickly... Talk about man mood swings.' She thought, blinking in confusion as he held her, "Why the sudden soppiness?"
"I thought you would've figured it out by now. But I suppose you really are one if the most dense people on the planet." He sighed, "Never mind, carry on."
Flaro slowly turned back to the letter, "Ooook." She blushed as Slash's small smile spread across his face and continued, "We've missed you so much my little Princess. There's so much more I want to tell you but I'd rather do so when I'm holding you and my little boy again." Her voice hitched with fresh tears as she put the letter down and rubbed her eyes, "Damn it, why can't I stop crying?" She sniffled. Slash smiled a little wider and rested his head on hers, closing his eyes as she composed herself, "Perhaps because they've finally found you. And because now you know they aren't ashamed of you."
Flaro nodded silently before lifting her head from his shoulder, smiling widely, "I'm a big sister again. Can you believe it?" She laughed, "Polka's a big brother too." She sighed as her smile slipped, 'Polka... I miss you.' She thought sadly. As if reading her mind, Slash looked away awkwardly clearing his throat, "Well... I could... I-I mean, if you want me too... I could, urrrr." He stammered, not really being able to pass the words through steadily.
Flaro stared at him in shock, "You what?"
Slash felt his blood rush to his face as he looked anywhere but her, "I could send back a reply and let you see your parents and brothers... If I can."
"You'd do that?" She raised an eyebrow and put a hand to his forehead, "You sure you're not sick or something?"
Slash rolled his eyes, "You just said I wasn't as cold hearted five minutes ago. Can't I show you that maybe you're right?" He stared at her quizzically from under her hand. She narrowed her eyes and pulled her hand away, "Uh huh..." She dragged out before looking down at their position. She yelped and jumped off of his lap and crossed her arms over her chest, "Well urrrr, I w-would appreciate it if you did." She mumbled, tucking her hair behind her ear awkwardly. Slash rose to his feet and nodded, "Then I shall get too it."
"You're serious?" She stared at his back as he walked to the door. He smirked over his shoulder and walked back to her, hooking a finger under her chin and kissing her forehead softly, "Indeed I am." He murmured against her hair before walking away, a smile of triumph present on his face as he walked proudly out of the study and towards his office. Flaro watched him leave, feeling like steam was puffing from her ears again. She squeaked and covered her red face, "Grrrr, why? Why, why, why, why!?!" She groaned, falling back into the chair, 'Why do I feel so weird?' She sighed, placing a hand over her heart, 'Why does it feel so... Nice?' She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, why did just the thought of him make her feel this way?

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