Chapter 29

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A/N: flaro's dress above!!! <3 and just a warning for you, I won't be writing the entire wedding or coronation ceremony cuz I feel it will be a little boring and over done. Plus I suck at anything to do with weddings XD XD XD  but no, seriously, I had to ask my mum to pick a nice dress for this chapter -_-''''''' anyway, here ya go!

1 week later...

Flaro shifted awake under her covers and groaned, her eyes only half way open. She rolled onto her stomach and hugged her pillow to her face, rubbing her cheek against the softness when the door opened. Snow peeked in and giggled at Flaro's covered figure before tiptoeing closer and lifting the quilt slightly, "Flaro..." She sang softly. The Princess stirred again and peeked up at her through her eyelids, "Hm?"
"Time to wake up now Dear." Snow chuckled.
Flaro groaned again and lifted the quilt over her again, "Five more minutes."
"I've already let you sleep in an extra hour. Come on, you're going to be late otherwise."
Flaro sighed and slipped the covers from her face and sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She blinked a few times, her eyes landing on the white dress across from her. Today was the day. She sighed before smirking at Snow, "How'd he take the 'no seeing the bride' rule?"
"Not very happily." Snow chuckled back, "He tried to sneak away from Jasper and a few of his guards three times."
Flaro giggled before slipping out of bed, "How long do I have?"
"About 4 hours."
"Perfect." Flaro jumped to her feet and walked to the bathroom, "I'll be in the shower then. Guard the door for me?"
Snow nodded, "Of course. I did see the King snooping around here earlier before I had to shoo him off. Rain is keeping an eye on the hallway."
Flaro smiled brightly at her before walking into the bathroom and closing the door. She was glad that Slash had warmed up slightly to Snow and Rain. They were her only friends in the castle after all. Well, aside from Jasper too. Sighing, Flaro stared at herself in the mirror, hair tussled and matted, red eyes still sleepy, and her face paler than usual, "Oh boy."

Slash stomped around the hallway close to Flaro's room. He wanted to see her. He peeked around the corner to see that Rain was still standing guard outside his bride's room. She spotted him and shook her head making him slump away, growling softly. He decided to make his way down to the Thorne Hall, where the wedding/coronation would be held. Seats were lined up, carpets were rolled out, flowers were everywhere and black and white streamers hung from the high ceiling. Servants were bustling around, busying themselves with all different tasks to get everything prepared. Slash spotted Jasper up where the Priest was standing. He strode over, catching Jasper's attention. His last advisor bowed lowly, "Good morning your Majesty."
"If only it was. Is everything ready?"
Jasper gave the King a sneaky smile, "You really want to see her don't you?"
Slash gave him a warning look, giving Jasper his answer. The advisor laughed and nodded, "I thought so. And yes, everything is ready. We're just waiting on a few small details." He smiled before nodding over to the far side of the room, "Oh, and we have a few early guests."
Slash raised an eyebrow and looked over to a corner in the room to see Ember, Blaze, Polka and Ash. The two boys were sitting by their parents' feet, Polka keeping Ash occupied by showing him a few tricks he had learnt from their sister. Blaze watched them with amusement and a big smile while Ember was practically bouncing where she stood, looking around her excitedly. Slash walked over and Ember immediately made a beeline to him, "Where's Flaro? Is she up yet?"
Slash shrugged, "Apparently. Rain and Snow are guarding her room so I wouldn't know."
Ember smiled wistfully, "Ah yes, the good old 'no seeing the bride' rule." She smirked at Blaze, "I remember you not taking that so well either." She then turned back to Slash while her husband pouted in embarrassment, "So I can go and see her?"
"Of course." Slash nodded, Ember clapped excitedly and scooped up her boys, "Ok, let's go see your sister!"
Polka whooped and jumped down from his mother's hug, racing towards the door. Slash sighed, it seems the little boy totally forgot he had no idea where his sister's room was. Shaking his head, Slash turned to a maid a few feet away, setting down the last of the flower vases, "You there, show our guests up to the Princess would you?"
The green haired girl nodded and hurried out, trying to keep up with the excitable Polka who was still racing away. Blaze chuckled as he watched his family go on ahead, "All Polka's talked about is seeing Flaro again."
"I wouldn't blame him. She is a very good sister to him." Slash agreed.
Blaze nodded before taking a step to follow his family, "I suppose I better go too. See you at the ceremony."
Slash nodded as the Fire King jogged out after his wife and children.
"Sire?" A small voice called. Slash turned to see a young man with bright blue hair standing behind him. He bowed, "It's time to get ready."

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