Chapter 26

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Slash stirred in his sleep, feeling colder than he had before. He frowned and reached across from where he lay only for his hand to come in contact with cold bedsheets. Opening his eyes, he saw that she was indeed gone. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, 'Was it something I said last night?' He wondered as he swung his legs out of bed and stood, leaving the room in search of Flaro to investigate her strange behaviour. Slash wondered into the living room, seeing Polka sat on the sofa, drawing on scraps of paper with crayons while clattering came from the kitchen. He peeked into the room, to see Flaro bustling about making breakfast. He stepped further into the room and cleared his throat, making her jump and freeze with her back to him. His frown deepened, "What's wrong? You've been acting strange since we talked."
She didn't reply. Instead, she continued serving breakfast and setting the plates down on the table, "Polka!" She called before scooping up her little brother's mud dyed clothes and attempted to walk passed Slash. He stepped in front of her, towering over her with an expression of confusion, "Tell me. What did I do to upset you?"
Emotionless red eyes met with muddled white before she slipped passed him, "Leave me alone." She muttered. Slash reached for her and caught her wrist. Flaro whirled around and glared up at him furiously, snatching her arm away, and walking through the front door, slamming it behind her. (DAYYYYYYM she mad...) Slash stared at the door in bewilderment then looked down at the little boy now standing next to him, "What did you do?" He asked innocently. Slash shrugged, running a hand over his hair, "I haven't got a clue..." He then turned to Flaro's younger brother, "Did she say anything to you?"
Polka shook his head, "No. She was acting normal until you came in."
He hummed in thought and nodded, patting the boy's head, "I'll talk to her."
Polka nodded and watched as Slash made his way to the front door and stepped out. He ran forward and held the door ajar so he could watch what was going on.
Slash walked towards the side of the house where Flaro was bent over a wash basin, hand washing the mud out of her brother's clothes. Slash folded his arms, "I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me what's going on. You suddenly went all quiet last night."
Flaro turned her back to him, shaking out one of Polka's socks. He sighed, "I heard you crying."
This made her stop. Flaro felt her shoulders tense as she heard his footsteps come closer, "I could feel you shaking behind me Flaro. You really thought you could hide under your pillow?" He turned her around, putting his hands on her shoulders, "What did I say to make you that upset?"
Flaro tried to shrug him off, "It doesn't matter!" She snapped, the fight slowly leaving her as her eyes became glassy, "It doesn't matter." She repeated, her voice weaker. Slash felt panic rise when the first tears fell, 'Oh no...' He pulled her closer to him, "Don't cry... Please?" He tired to comfort her, 'I don't know what to do when you cry!' He gulped, looking around. Flaro struggled against his hold, pounding her tiny fists at his chest, "Let me go you asshole!"
"Hey!" He frowned, holding her wrists to cease her assault, "Would you stop that?" He said more softly as the stubborn Fire Princess lowered her head, her shoulders still shaking slightly, "Why?" Her shaky voice whispered. He raised an eyebrow, "Why what?"
"Why did you say those things last night?" She glared up at him.
He stared at her wide eyed, "I thought that..."
"That what? That I'd be happy to hear you say stuff like that? For crying out loud, you may as well had told me you wanted me out of your life."
"Wait, what?" Ok, now he was confused, "I thought you hated it in the Dark Region. Of course I thought you hearing that you didn't have to marry me would make you happy!"
Flaro looked wounded, whereas he looked lost. He stared at her, hoping to find the answer, 'Why are women so confusing?'
She shook her head, sighing and pushing him away, "You're so blind!" She yelled, pushing passed him to continue washing her brother's clothes.
"Then help me! If I'm so blind, help me see what you're talking about!" He argued.
"Hey... Everything alright here?" Came a voice.
The two looked up to see Thorn standing a few feet away from them, a small bunch of flowers in his hand. He looked at Flaro and concern instantly washed over him, "Why are you crying?!" He gasped, walking to her side and putting a comforting arm over her. She shook her head, "It's nothing." She sighed, giving him a fake smile. Thorn narrowed his eyes, "Don't try that. I can see a fake smile a mile away." He then turned to Slash accusingly, "What did he do?"
Slash glared dangerously at him. Then at his arm over Flaro's shoulders, "Back off Weather Boy." He growled.
Thorn didn't flinch and glared right back, "How about you back off? Can't you see you're upsetting her?!"
Flaro shook her head, sighing with exhaustion, "He's just being him, Thorn. Don't worry ok?" She gave him a quick hug, not seeing Slash's eyes darken before she turned back to washing Polka's clothes and hanging them up to dry.
"Of course I'm gonna worry." Thorn rolled his eyes, "You're my best friend."
"And I said that it's fine." Flaro insisted, ignoring Slash's gaze burning holes in the back of her head as she straightened up and dried her hands. She gave Thorn one last smile before walking back to the front of the house, breezing passed Slash as he opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again when she sent him a glare. When she was out of their sights, the two men shot daggers at each other, "I'm watching you, Douchebag." They growled before turning away and going separate ways.
Inside, Flaro stormed to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her, locking it in place. She sat on the edge of the bathtub and held her head in her hands, sighing again. She felt like an idiot. She couldn't even hold up a fight against him anymore, at least not a reasonable one. The fight she picked outside was just as pathetic as she felt. Flaro gritted her teeth and groaned before repeatedly bumping her head on the sink beside her, "I'm. Such. A. Loser."
A small knock made her look up and she sighed, "I'm fine Polka."
"Are you sure?" He questioned further. She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth before she heard another voice join her brother's, "Where is she?"
"In there." Polka shrugged.
Slash sighed and leaned closer to the door, "Flaro?"
His call was answered by a loud bang on the other side of the door. He rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smirk, "Kicking the door isn't going to help."
"Screw you!" She yelled, kicking the door again.
Polka widened his eyes and stepped back, "I think she's mad at you."
"Oh do you now?" He deadpanned as the little boy skipped away. Slash shook his head before turning back to the door, "You can't lock yourself up in there all day you know. Just tell me why you were so upset and I'll leave you alone."
"Why can't you just leave me alone?"
"Because I don't want too." He shrugged, leaning against the door, "And I'm not gonna leave until you tell me."
"I don't want too!" She yelled back, sitting down, her back leaning on the door. Slash sighed and sat in the same position, "Fine. I'll be out here then."
Flaro glared into space, pulling her knees to her and hugging her legs tightly, 'He's so annoying.' She thought as a new batch of tears built up in her eyes.

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