Chapter 11

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(6 months later)

Slash stared blankly up at the roof of his chambers, thoughts whirling around his head in a dizzying tornado of confusion. The mystery to why the prisoners were not as weak and helpless as before still remained unsolved. Despite the amount of patrol he had ordered for the nights, something, or someone was still getting into the dungeons without being spotted. He gritted his teeth in fury and curled up his fists, nobody had ever been able to get passed his soldiers before. He glanced at the dark wooden door of his room when a tiny knock echoed and it opened slightly to reveal a nervous looking maid, "Sire, breakfast is ready."
"Good. You may go." He mumbled, still far away in his confusion. The door closed and he lay still for a little longer before rising and storming out of his room, slamming his door behind him like an agrivated teenager. He frowned deeper, speaking of teenagers...
He approached the Dining Hall and saw Flaro pushing the remains of her breakfast around her plate, her head on her fisted hand, and staring boredly into space. He rolled his eyes inwardly, 'Of course she'll use the same argument over again, "I'm not a teenager. I'm an adult blah blah blah".' He thought, sighing heavily as he sat in his seat at the head of the table, digging into his own plate of food. The girl in black across from him was oddly quiet this morning. The only sounds that could be heard was the faint pattering of the raindrops on the windows and forks scraping on the ceramic plates. He glanced subtly up at her to see she hadn't moved at all from the postion he had found her in. All apart from the telltale trace of a tiny smile playing across her lips. He frowned curiously, "What's so funny?"
She looked over to him with her blood red eyes and shrugged, "Nothing." She hummed, rising from her seat and strolling out of the hall, leaving the King of Darkness in utter confusion.

Flaro glanced around cautiously before pulling aside the pile of twigs and leaves as silently as she could to reveal a hidden door leading underground to the stone walls of the dungeon. She crept inside, carrying a large basket behind her and closing the door. Reaching into the basket, she pulled out a single candle and clicked her fingers, a tiny flame flickering on her finger tip. She put it to the wink of the candle, lighting her way down a winding staircase towards the cells. She's finally reached the bottom and blew out the small flame, smiling when she whistled a quiet tune. An answering whistle greeted her and she laughed slightly, walking closer to the cells, "Morning."
"Good morning Dear." A prisoner smiled kindly, thanking her gratefully when she handed her a cloth with bread and fruit inside. Flaro continued handing out the food she was able to gather without causing suspicion. When she had finished, she pulled the hood of her cloak down and sighed, sitting by a cell with two children and a mother inside, the brother and sister crawled over and huddled close to her as the small boy asked her to tell them one of her many stories about her adventures with her friends. She smiled sadly, "Alright, I'll tell you about the day I first met the leader of the group, Shadow. It was in the middle of one of my concerts when I was a traveller. I was halfway through a song when he came crashing through the roof of the arena and fell onto the stage right in front of me." She giggled a little at the memory before continuing, "The look on his face when he realised he was in front of almost 1000 people was something I'll never forget, it was the most hilarious blush I'd ever seen."
The two children behind the bars smiled at her warmly, encouraging her to carry on. Flaro sighed, "Anyway, after my show, I saw him again outside the back of the arena, he looked like he was being chased, and it turns out, he was. He'd grabbed me before I'd even realised what was going on and we were suddenly running down alleyways, through crowds and weaving around corners to get away from the Dark Ones that were chasing him down. And me too I guess." As she went on with the story, all the others in the dungeon leaned closer to listen about the excitement that the outside world held. The world they hadn't seen in far too long.

That evening, Flaro was wondering aimlessly around the grounds of the dark palace, her anger growing at the way Slash was treating those poor prisoners. She had thought to set them free but they had stopped her. They all still had family members trapped in Slash's clutches and if they were free, Slash would most likely kill those he still had. Flaro growled animalistically in her throat and threw a handful of fire at the wall. The hissing sound of it disintegrating made her whirl back around and frown in confusion. Not a single scratch or scotch mark was in sight. She filled her palms once again and took another shot, the same thing happening again! It was as if the wall was absorbing her power! She walked towards it and placed her hand against it, expecting cold hard stone, but felt nothing but air. Her anger flared up again, "Why that son of a bitch! He put up a-"
"Barrier? Yes, indeed I did. I had a feeling you would try and burn the place down so I took further actions." Slash's voice echoed from behind her. Flaro whipped around, her hand out ready to slap him but he grabbed her wrist with amazing speed, stunning her. Slash grinned and tutted, snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her securely against his own body, "Tut, tut, tut Flaro. I expected more from you than just a mere slap."
Flaro struggled against his hold, "Give me one shot and I'll mess up that pretty little face of yours." She threatened. Slash chuckled and tightened his grip on her, enjoying the feeling, "I'm sure you would." He murmured, leaning closer. Flaro panicked and jerked her head forward, her forehead connecting with his nose. Slash grunted and loosened his grip enough for her to wriggle out and run in the other direction. Slash threw a rope of dark magic in her direction, catching her waist and arms, pulling her back to him. His chest pressed against her back. He kept her there with his power, scooping her hair over her shoulder and away from him before he lowered his head, breathing her in, "You will behave if you do not want to face my wrath."
"I've faced it plenty of times before." She replied breathlessly, turning her head away from his and closing her eyes tightly, his magic keeping her arms to her sides uselessly. Slash chuckled mercilessly and buried his face in the crook of her neck, making Flaro tense as she could've sworn she felt his lips press against her shoulder. He drew away and smirked down at her, "I believe you have." He let her go and let his hand linger on her hip, "I'd be careful about what you throw at the wall next my dear, we wouldn't want it bouncing back at you would we?" He murmured before sweeping down the hall and leaving Flaro shivering from the sudden absence behind her. She shook her head violently and scolded herself, why didn't she make her skin burn when he touched her?! Why didn't she lift her knee after he grabbed her wrist?! Flaro pulled at her hair in frustration, 'Damn it Flaro, you missed a perfectly good opportunity to kick him where it hurts and you missed it!' She thought angrily.

On the other side of the castle, Slash paced his office, hands clasped behind his back and a deep frown creasing between his brows. It was strange... The way their bodies fit together. The fact that he had memorised the feeling of her in his arms, her scent, her soft hair and skin, the sound of her heart beating rapidly, her gentle voice, even the crook of her neck without realising it... NO!!! He shook his head fiercely, 'No, don't you dare think such ways!!!' He shrugged off his moment of... Whatever it was and resumed with his paperwork. What had lead him out if his office in the first place? He paused to think, but nothing came to mind. He had just gotten up for some reason. Like he was pulled out by an unknown force. Shrugging it off again, he continued his work until he was informed that dinner was ready a few hours later.
As he made his way down, he noticed he was walking quicker than usual, and his heart was beating out of the ordinary... Perhaps he was becoming ill? Oh well, his powers would soon take care of it. He opened the doors to the Dining Hall and spotted Flaro sitting even further away from the head on the table and had frozen where she sat. He too found himself frozen on the spot as an awkward atmosphere settled around them, thickening at an alarming rate. Slash cleared his throat and stiffly walked passed her seat as she remained frozen until he was at least 20 feet away.
Over the course of the meal he would steal confused glances towards the younger woman only for her to eat quicker, feeling his eyes on her. Flaro stuffed the last forkful into her mouth before rising and practically running for her life out of the hall. She slammed the doors closed and leant against them, her hands pressing the doors closed and her head leaning against the cold wood. She sighed in relief and opened her eyes too see she was gaining some strange looks from some staff and guards. She glared at the guards either side of the door, "Got a problem?"
They jumped and resumed staring in front of them as Flaro walked down the hall and up a large staircase, back towards her room. The only place she felt safe from that... That pervert! She felt her blood race to her cheeks as she placed a protective hand on her shoulder, 'That idiot!' She thought angrily as she opened her door and slammed it shut again, falling on her bed and hiding under the quilt.

A/N: lol XD poor Flaro. Anyways, chapter 11 finished! Yaaaaay. Hope ur enjoying the story so far and sorry if it was a little short. Well, see ya'll next week ^.^

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