Chapter 22

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Flaro frowned in her sleep and scratched at the tickling sensation on her nose. Sighing, she settled further under the quilt and let sleep swallow her up again. The tickling returned again and she growled softly, burying her nose into the blankets. She heard snickering and opened her heavy eyes half way to see a small feather dangling in front of her face. She glared at it then at the hand that was holding it over her, "Do you want to die?"
Slash chuckled and kneeled down to her eye level, "You wouldn't wake up." He shrugged. Flaro growled softly, reaching behind her and throwing a pillow over her head at his face, "Maybe because I'm tired? I don't know... Maybe?" She mumbled sarcastically, closing her eyes again. Slash hummed and nodded, "Ok, not a morning person today." He then rested his arms on the bed, "What if I told you I had something for you."
"Leave it on the side and go away." Came her pillow muffled reply.
"Can't do that. Besides, this is my revenge for you jumping on me a couple days ago." He smirked.
"You deserved that." Flaro defended, lifting her head slightly, her hair covering her face.
Slash rolled his eyes, "I always deserve something according to you. Now come on, get up."
"Uuuuuuuugh whhhhy?"
"Because." He replied, standing and throwing clothes at her, "I want to see you downstairs in the Dining Hall in half an hour. Or I'm coming back here."
Flaro sighed and sat up, pushing the clothes from her face in the process, "Yes Mother." She called sarcastically. The door clicked shut and Flaro finally opened her sleepy eyes. She looked down at the pile of clothes on her lap and frowned, 'My old clothes?!' She then cast a suspicious eye to the door, "What are you up too..."

Slash leant against the table biting his knuckles in anticipation as he waited. Just a few months ago they were trying to kill each other, and now... Now he was waiting to take her to a surprise that would hopefully get her to like him more. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, 'What the hell happened to me in the space of 9 months?!' He thought as the doors opened and Flaro entered tightening her fingerless gloves, "Ahhh you have no idea how nice it feels to be back in shorts and a T-shirt!" She sighed. Slash smiled at her as she stretched her arms over her head, "I can move!" She whooped sarcastically. He laughed slightly, "You honestly hate dresses?"
"Duh." She smirked and sat on the table, "So what was it you wanted?"
"We're going away for a while."
"Nice... A vacation. Where too?" Flaro smiled leaning back on her hands.
Slash shook his head, "That I can't tell you." He grinned.
Flaro pouted, "You woke me up for a secret vacation when you might be taking me somewhere to kill me?" She raised a skeptical eyebrow at him as he sighed, "I thought we were passed that."
A smirk crossed her face and she kicked him gently, "It's a joke, Dummy." She giggled, jumping down from the table, "So why can't you tell me?"
"Because it's a surprise, Dummy." He smirked, mocking her before grabbing her hand, leading her out of the room and down the winding hallways. Flaro stared down at their hands locked together then back up to his back, "You're acting weird again..."
"As you've said multiple times." He hummed in reply, walking towards an opening door. Flaro jogged to keep up with his long strides, "Don't we have to pack stuff?"
"Already done." He yelled over the sounds from outside. Flaro looked up at the black dragon ready to go and snapping its jaws at anyone foolish enough to go near it. Slash chuckled, "Nasty one he is. Doesn't let anyone touch him aside from me." He smiled, patting the dragon's leg as it made a noise of approval. Flaro looked unsurely between the beast and Slash, "Uh huh, and how do I know he's not gonna eat me?" She joked.
Slash smiled and shook his head, "Because it looks like he's taken a liking to you too." He winked at her and pulled out a long black strip of cloth. Flaro frowned at it, "A blindfold?"
"Well yes. I am taking you to a surprise after all." He smiled holding it out, "So do you trust me?"
Flaro tapped her cheek with her finger, "Hmmm trust is a strong word." She hummed, looking back at him to see he was giving her a deadpanned stare. She giggled again and took the blindfold from him, "Probably shouldn't but what the heck." She shrugged, tying the cloth around her eyes awkwardly. She tightened the cloth and sighed, "Now what?"
Slash smiled and wrapped his hands around her waist, lifting her up onto the dragon's back. Flaro yelped and gripped onto the saddle, "A warning would've been nice!"
Slash grinned and strapped her securely to the saddle before jumping on and whispering, "You loved it." In her ear.
She squeaked and batted the air where his face was, "Would you stop that!"
He smirked and settled in front of her, strapping in and grabbing the reins, "Hold on, he's a fast flyer." And at that, Slash flicked the reins and the dragon shot off, Flaro screaming in shock and squeezing her arms around Slash's waist. He smirked in triumph as they zipped through the clouds and over the murky Dark Region in a blur.

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