Chapter 18

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After cleaning up the mess she had made, Flaro walked lazily towards Slash's office, her hands behind her head and a bored expression present on her face, 'This meeting's gonna be a total drag. Why do I even have to go anyway?' She pouted her lips together, "So not fair." She mumbled, finally coming to the thick door of his study. Not bothering to knock, she stepped in with a smirk on her face, "How's it goin' Pinkie?"
Slash, who was sat behind his desk with a hood covering his head, blushed red and cleared his throat, his eyes gesturing to the group of men on one side of him. Flaro puffed out her cheeks, sniggering, 'Guess they don't know the situation. Oops.' She thought ignoring the looks she was getting from them and throwing herself onto a couch, her legs hanging over one side and her head on the other, "Let's get this over with." She sighed. Slash frowned at her sternly before turning to his advisors as Edgar spoke, "Such insolence! She is no way fit to be a Queen."
Slash shot him an angry look and Flaro threw an arm over her eyes, "Got that right."
The quiet one in the corner raised his hand rather shyly, Vladimir frowned at him, "What is it now Jasper?"
Jasper nodded and stood up, looking curiously at Flaro, "May I ask why you called his Majesty 'Pinkie' when you entered?"
Slash and Flaro instantly glanced at each other nervously before Flaro held her hands up, "No reason..." She squeaked sitting up and avoiding eye contact. Slash glanced up at her from behind his hood and smiled slightly to see a light shade of pink dusting her cheeks. Ichabod looked between the two curiously, "Might it have something do to with the hood you are wearing Sire?"
Slash sighed, reaching his hand up, knowing there was no point, "Well, you see, before coming here we had a little accident."
Flaro pulled his hood back over his eyes and leant her arm on his head for good measure, "It's totally fine! Don't worry about it really. Haha... Ha."
"Anyway." Slash cleared his throat, "May we continue with the objections you had?"
Flaro sighed in relief when the older men agreed and continued their conversation. She retook her seat back on the couch, perching herself on the arm and barely listening to their boring business.

The sun had set a while ago now, and Flaro was still sat in the study, bored out of her mind. It was 5 in the evening! They'd been sitting in there for 6 hours!!! 'BORRRRREEEEEED' She then glanced over to Slash and covered her mouth when she saw a loose hair poking out from his hood. She tired getting his attention, patting her head not so subtly and making hood gestures. While the other men were distracted by their own conversation, Slash raised an eyebrow at the girl while she pretended to pull a hood over her head. He shook his head in confusion before Flaro facepalmed and pointed to her head. Slash stared at her in bewilderment and reached up, touching his hood, his eyes widening and he quickly stuffed the escaped hair back under the cover of his cloak.
"Uh yes? What is it now?" Slash snapped his head to the advisors who all stared at him strangely. Vladimir spoke up, "What do you think of the plans we have constructed?" He asked, probably for the second or third time. Slash looked down at his desk, hoping there were some hints on the papers in front of him but sadly not. He looked up slightly guiltily, "Could you perhaps repeat them? I must have missed something."
Edgar glared at the King and shook his head disappointedly, "All because you were distracted by this insolent girl!"
"Hey! I'm right here you know!" Flaro glared at him, jumping to her feet.
"Well of course you are, his Majesty is probably distracted by how short you have cut your damned skirt!" Edger fought back, earning a suspicious blush from Slash and a confused look from Flaro, "Huh?" She looked down and behind her, "It's not that short, it's only a little above my knees." She then turned to Slash, "Right?"
Slash blushed brighter, but nodded, why were they even getting him involved with her clothing choices?! Flaro turned back to the old man, still glaring, "And I wasn't distracting him!"
"Oh? what were you doing then? He wasn't listening to our thoughts and plans for this kingdom because he let himself get side-tracked by a good-for-nothing Princess! Some King he is."
Flaro growled at him, "Listen up you over-sized garden gnome, maybe if you weren't so far up your own ass you would see how much stress and work you're putting on him. I'd love to see you working your ass through hundreds of pages of paperwork a day, in fact, I dare you." She challenged, crossing her arms over her chest triumphantly before blinking in surprise, "Wait..." She looked over to an equally surprised Slash, "Did I just stick up for you?" She questioned.
"I think so..." Came his quiet reply. Edgar continued glaring up at the younger girl before turning to his colleagues, "Come then, this meeting is finished." He said spitefully before stomping out of the room like a spoiled child. Flaro poked her tongue out at his back, flipping him the bird also before turning to Slash, who was still blushing like an idiot. Jasper was also still in the room and bowed to the two respectfully, "I apologise for my associate's attitude." He spoke softly before taking his leave. Flaro watched him go in surprise, "Ok, well the little guy's not so bad." She shrugged, turning back to the recovering King. She raised an eyebrow at him, "Like I said, you can always fire them ya know." She then sat on his desk, swinging her legs back and forth. He remained silent, seeming to be deep in thought about something. Flaro nudged his leg with her foot, "Hey, Earth to King Airhead."
Slash lifted his head, "Huh?" He asked, looking up at her. Flaro sniggered, 'He actually responded to that?' Before giving him a smile, "Don't let what Gramps said get the best of you ok? You do your job a lot better than he ever could." His face burned bright red once more, almost matching his newly dyed hair, "Urr, th- thank you."
"No problem, Pinkie." Flaro bit her tongue, her shoulders shaking with her held in giggles as he glared at her in disapproval, "Don't call me that."
Flaro pouted and scooted closer, pulling his hood down and ruffling his hair roughly, "Awww c'mon, you know you love it!" She grinned.
Slash ducked away from her hand, still glaring at her, "No. No I don't." He grumbled, sorting his hair back into place. Flaro sighed dramatically before looking at the ceiling in thought, "Ok fine, what about... Candy Floss?"
"Hell no."
"King of Fabulousness?"
"Rejected." He said sternly, no way was he being called that!
Flaro groaned and kicked his leg gently, "Why are you so boring Bubble-gum?" (Adventure time has made an appearance everybody!!!!!! Woo!) Slash glared at her harder, "No reason, Flame Brain." (Heyooo Fairy Tail is here too!!!) Flaro put a hand over her heart sarcastically, "Ouch." Before resting her feet on his leg and smirking, "Sooooo, I can call you Bubble-gum now?"
Slash looked at her as if she had grown two heads, "Where the hell did you get the idea I wanted to be called that?!"
Flaro shrugged innocently, "You didn't say no to it."
"No." He scolded, as if talking to a small child. Flaro poked her tongue out at him and kicked his leg again while pouting, "Meanie."
"Thank you." Was his short reply as he sorted through his paperwork. The blasé Princess sighed heavily, hugging her knees and staring at the dark King's bright magenta hair. As Slash was signing a paper, he felt his hair shift. Frowning, he looked up at the younger girl, seeing her poking at his pink locks, "Fluffy." She muttered, repeatedly poking it for amusement. Slash blushed and rolled his blank eyes at her, trying to duck his head away, "I'm trying to concentrate. Find something else to poke."
"Nope. I'm comfortable and your hair is fluffy. Deal with it."
Slash sighed, trying to ignore the teen's annoying behaviour and continuing with his work. But of course, that plan failed. He gripped his pen in annoyance, "Stop it."
"Flaro. I mean it." He growled.
"No." She giggled, poking her tongue out again. Slash glared before finally standing and throwing the Princess over his shoulder. She yelped and began pounding his back, "Hey! Put me down!!! Perv!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Slash ignored her and threw her down on the sofa, "Now stay there and be quiet or leave."
Flaro mocked him silently as he turned away and walked back to his desk, "Sheesh, someone's being prissy today. What's got you Kingly panties in a twist?" She asked, laying across the sofa and folding her arms on the edge of it. Slash sighed heavily, falling back into his seat, "I just have a lot of work to do. And you're not helping by being troublesome."
"I was trying to distract you to give you a break. Seriously, you look like you've been hit by three dragons." She commented, giving him a deadpan look. Slash shrugged, "Can't. All this needs to be signed off by tomorrow."
Flaro looked at him unsurely before sighing, jumping to her feet and kicking a chair over to the other side of his desk. She grabbed half the pile of papers and a pen, ignoring the surprised look he was giving her, "What are you doing?"
"Helping, what does it look like?" She smirked before settling down.
Slash blushed and looked away, "Can you handle it?"
"I lived in a castle for the first 12 years of my life, I kinda know what I'm doing. Besides, I showed you up a while ago in the library didn't I?" She grinned, already going to work. Slash smiled slightly before leaving her to it and returning to his own pile.

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