Chapter 28

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2 weeks later...

Slash strapped his and Flaro's bags back onto Nightmare's saddle while Flaro was saying goodbye to everyone. Jasper appeared next to Slash, now fully healed, "The others are locked up and will be carried back by Wisp." He bowed. Slash nodded in approval, looking over the large bird cages with his ex-advisors inside, hands and ankles bound together. The large grey female dragon had the four chains wrapped around her front legs to carry the older men back home to face the music. He then turned back to Flaro, her arm was still in it's sling but only a foam one now which Espee had managed to conjure. Her shoulder and bones were fully healed aside from a few muscles and ligaments. He felt anger bundle in his chest and shot the old men a wicked look, before returning to his task while Flaro hugged everyone goodbye. Polka squeezed her tightly, "Why can't I come with you?"
"Because Ash needs a big brother. Don't make the same mistake I did and leave your little brother alone."
Polka sighed but nodded, giving her one last hug, "Can you come and visit?"
"Duh." Flaro laughed, finally letting him go to hug Ash goodbye, "Bye baby bro." She cooed, earning a little giggle from Ash and a happy kick of his legs, "Is!"
Flaro giggled softly before she was enveloped in both her parents' arms. Ember petted her daughter's hair, "You know you can come and visit us anytime."
"Yeah, I know." Flaro smiled, making the most of the feeling of being whole with them before she had to leave. Blaze smiled down at his daughter, "I'm very proud of you."
Flaro stared at him in confusion, "Wait... Why?"
"Because you've become stronger and more powerful than you ever could have if you had stayed home. I think life on the road suits you." He winked. Flaro laughed before jerking her head over to where Slash was standing by Nightmare, "Yeah, but someone's gotta keep an eye on Sir Dork over there."
"I heard that!" Slash called from beside the large black dragon that looked at him in amusement. Ember smirked teasingly at her daughter, poking her good arm, "You love him really."
Flaro felt her cheeks heat up and shuffled her feet, earning a squeal from her mother as she hugged her again, kissing her cheek ,"I knew it!" She giggled, clapping her hands.
Flaro pouted and avoided Slash's confused gaze, "Mom, stop."
"Oh fine." Ember huffed, crossing her arms.
Blaze smirked at his wife before patting Flaro's head, "Take care of yourself."
"I will." She smiled, rolling her eyes.
Ember smiled and hugged her again, "We'll miss you."
"You'll be seeing me next week remember?" Flaro laughed, patting Ember's back. Her mother gasped and began jumping again, "Oh yes! I almost forgot!" She grinned, squeezing Flaro's hands, "Then I'll see you at your wedding."
Flaro blushed as her mother squished her cheeks, catching sight of Slash coming closer over Ember's shoulder. He gave her a small smile, "Time to go."
Flaro nodded, giving everyone one last hug. Blaze fixed Slash with a stern look, "Keep an eye on her for me will you? That full body flame trick of hers has exhausted her more than she lets on."
"I'll protect her with my life. I give you my word."
Blaze allowed a small smile to come to his face, "Never thought I'd be counting on a Dark One's word. But it's the least I can do after you healed so many of us after your advisors attacked."
Slash nodded as Flaro joined his side, waving to her family and friends, "See ya later!" She called. The others waved back as Slash jumped onto Nightmare's back, holding his hand for Flaro to take. She hide her blush as she accepted, climbing on behind him and clinging to his sides. Nightmare crouched, stretching out his giant wings before shooting off the ground in a blur. Flaro gripped tighter, and screwing her eyes shut against the wind whipping passed them. Slash smirked over his shoulder, "Too fast for you?"
"Ah shut it." Flaro glared playfully, poking his side as Slash pulled on Nightmare's reins to slow him down once they reached the clouds. Flaro sighed in relief, relaxing her grip on his shirt slightly, "Thanks."
Slash smiled and looked down at her left hand, "How's your arm?"
"Achey and stiff. But at least I can move it a little bit now. Ruby said there are still a few ligaments and muscles that need to be treated but they can heal over time." She shrugged, resting against his back. Slash frowned, still looking at her hand, he slowly placed his over it and summoned his magic but froze when Flaro kicked the back of his leg softly, "Don't even think about it."
"And why not? I managed to pretty much heal it all, why won't you let me finished the job?"
"Because I can heal by myself, stop wasting your magic on me." She mumbled from his shoulder. He sighed and just settled for holding her hand softly. She smiled, closing her eyes and yawning softly.
"Mmhmm." Came her hummed reply. Slash smiled over his shoulder where her head was resting, snaking his arm behind him to wrap around her. Flaro opened her eyes slightly at his move and went to lift her head, "What're you-" She screamed as Slash pulled her from behind him and swung her over to be plopped in front of him. She was still digging her fingers into his arms when her head snapped up and she glared at him dangerously, "Are you crazy?!"
He chuckled down at her in between his arms, "Now you can fall asleep in a more comfortable position."
Flaro batted his chest, "Asshole. Don't ever do that again!" She mumbled, but shuffled closer none the less. He hide his smirk of triumph while she settled down and closed her eyes, "You're lucky I'm not terrified of heights, or you would be so dead right now."
Slash chuckled softly and leaned down to place a kiss in her head, "I don't doubt it." He whispered. Flaro hummed again, the exhaustion already catching up to her. Slash stared down at her as she curled up against him, her head resting on the crease of his arm and her arms holding her red cloak around herself. He sighed, tracing her cheek with his fingertip, 'Honestly.' He shook his head before looking behind him, seeing Wisp's outline a few feet behind them, two cages hanging either side on her front legs. He let a small inhuman growl rumble in his throat, he couldn't wait to get his hands on them. Looking back down at Flaro's arm, he draped half of his own cloak over her protectively, they dared hurt his Queen. Flexing his fingers impatiently and feeling the rage and blood lust flow through him, he decided he wouldn't use his magic to execute the old men. No, he'd use his own bare hands. Instead, he looked back down at Flaro and placed a hand over her arm and built up his magic again, now she was asleep, she couldn't argue. He frowned in concentration as he focused on fusing her ligaments and muscles back together. He could feel the tissue slowly closing together as his magic pulsed through his fingers and into her arm. No, those foolish old men were not worthy of his power. A small sadistic smile curled his lips, he couldn't wait to make them beg for death. (Well, he can't be all good. Gotta have some evil in him right? o3o)

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