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Yeosang had been turning in his sheets for almost an hour in search of sleep. He couldn't sleep and the reason made him very angry, which made it even harder for him to sleep, it had taken only one night with San, only one night, for his instinct and body to get used to it and still claim it. He missed his warmth, his body, his arms and the feeling of security they had brought him. And this, after one damn night! The boy stood up on his bed and turned his head towards his bedside table, there he struck his mobile phone. He was frustrated and needed to express that frustration but he couldn't call San and yell at him, he was too scared for that. After all, San was the executor of the mafia, which meant it was easy for him to make him disappear.

The omega rubbed his head before getting up from his bed, he opened the curtains to see the stars. This is what he had always done with his mother when he could not sleep; contemplating the stars. Yeosang even opened his window to enjoy the fresh night air and sighed with contentment, his tranquility did not last very long since his phone vibrated when illuminated. Yeosang stepped back for a few seconds to retrieve it before taking his place near the window, he had just received a message from San.

« Don't stand in front of the window. »

How could he know he was in front of the window? The young man immediately raised his head and looked up at the street. But there was no one, so he brought his attention back to his phone and quickly typed an answer.

« How do you know that? »

« Because I see you. »

Yeosang raised his head again and looked for the alpha.

« Where? »

« That I'm not gonna tell you. »

« Why? »

« Because you're gonna try to hide yourself from me and I can't watch you anymore. »

Yeosang's body shivered, part of him didn't want to hide from his gaze, quite the contrary. The young man shook his head to come to his senses, that wasn't true. It wasn't what he wanted, was it? Then why wasn't he moving out of the window?.

« You should sleep. »

The omega couldn't help but sketch an amused smile.

« You too. »

« I'm working. »

« You aren't working, you are spying on me.»

« I'm protecting you. »

The boy looked up to the sky and even though San was dangerous, he couldn't resist a sarcastic response.

« From what? Mosquitos? In that case, you're not doing your job well because I already have a prick on my arm. »

That was a fact, he had been stung earlier in the night.

« I'll have a mosquito net installed for you tomorrow, now go to bed.

Yeosang laughed amusedly, he was curious to see that, really curious.

« Good night San. »

« Good night brat. »

He scanned the street one last time, biting his lower lip before closing the window and going back to lie down on his bed. And this time he fell asleep with a smile on his face, now that he knew San wasn't far away and was looking at him, he was reassured, he felt safe, and he soon fell asleep, smiling, without even realizing it.

The next morning, Yeosang got up early to prepare the day's pastries before the show opened. He should have done it yesterday but hadn't had the heart, Yuna kissed him on the cheek before leaving for the police station. The young man took a deep breath before opening the door to the tea room. He remained motionless behind the counter for a few moments before clearing his throat and exhaling a good blow, he had to pull himself together. He had to work to ensure the main income of their family, Yeosang immersed himself entirely in the preparation of the salon for the opening so that his spirit didn't drift too far. 

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