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Yuna came home from work to find Yeosang, sitting on the couch, knees against his chest.


The young woman put one hand on her brother's shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

The omega looked up at his sister,"Yes... I'm fine, what about you?"

In reality, he kept imagining the horrors San could inflict on his victims just below his apartment.

"Are you sure? You don't look very well."

"Yes, yes, it is, I was thinking."

"What's on your mind?"

Yuna sat down next to her brother.

"Speak to me Yeosang" she said soflty.

"Did Taehyung show you the pictures I sent him?"

"...Yes, he also told me that the exchange took place just after you left the station...

While the team was in a meeting. So when you were alone, I wonder if he knows you're being watched."

That's a good question, he had to ask him that.

"What does Taehyung plan to do with it?" The alpha remained silent.

"I can't help if I don't know what's going o and I preferred to know so I could protect myself if I had to."

"Tehyung is preparing an intervention team to go to the meeting points of the planned traffic according to the information you sent him."

"But San will make the connection, won't he?"

"And how? He didn't see you take the pictures."


But San would necessarily make the connection since he was the one who had given him the files... But what if that had been his goal? San had talked about using Taehyung to eliminate some pests at Survey Corps. What if that's it?

"He didn't hurt you?"

"No, San is... Nice to me."

"Be wary, I don't know what he's up to about you."

"I'd be careful."

The brother and sister huddled together for a while before deciding to bake the pastries for the next day. Lucky they have ingredients in advance, this time spent together discussing and joking did them the greatest good. It allowed them to meet again, a little like before. Without San, without the police and without an undercover mission.

The next morning, Yuna helped her brother to clean the tea salon a little before the opening and left when it opened. Yeosang had been thinking all night and quickly came to the conclusion that he couldn't just go see Tzuyu and tell him about the whole mafia thing. Even if they didn't appreciate each other any more than that, the omega couldn't bring himself to put him in danger, and neither could Minho. He couldn't invite him here, it would seem suspicious since he had never invited him before. He needed a good reason. He knew that if he didn't have one, San would quickly understand his little merry-go-round and he probably wouldn't be happy about it.

Speaking of San, he had just walked through the door of the tea salon.

"Your phone's been off since last night."


The black-haired man grabbed him by the collar and forced him to lean over the counter, face first, while rumbling with dissatisfaction.

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