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"I beg your pardon?"

"I want to join your team."

San arched an eyebrow.

"I don't think so, killing for revenge isn't the same as killing for business like us."

"Then teach me."

"No, I'm not going back on my decision. Now, Minnie will take you back to the apartment while we dispose of the bodies."


"Don't argue with me" San scolded.

Yeosang took a step back and cowered slightly under the dominance of the alpha tone. The redhead woman rushed between the two men and put one hand on the shoulder of the omega.

"I'll take him back to the apartment, boss, there's no need to get upset."

San nodded to Minnie, and the young woman hastened to get Yeosang out of the room, not without the young man trying to struggle. But a simple glance from the alpha stopped him.

"Don't touch anything and keep your hands to yourself" Minnie asked him.

A simple glance at his hands made him understand why, they were stained with blood. The young man didn't say a word the whole way home. He was far too lost in thought, staring at his bloody hands.

Yeosang slammed his bedroom door and let himself slide against it, he nested his head in her hands and sighed deeply. He was furious with San, why didn't he want him to join his team?

He closed his eyes and Roku's face appeared behind his closed eyelids, a huge smile stretched his lips as he thought about what he had done. He had finally done justice to his parents. For the first time in his life, he felt light, the weight on his shoulders had finally disappeared. He felt serene and at peace. It was a delightful feeling. The young man felt like he was on a cloud... Yet he was upset. Why did he take so much pleasure in killing three people? He wasn't raised that way, and he had never felt the need to do harm... Was it because those people were the murderers of his parents? But if San was avenging his clients, why wouldn't he want him to help him? The omega wanted other people to feel that sense of relief. He had to convince San to let him join his team, he felt a deep need to. But how do you get into San's team without going through San? Yeosang pulled his head out of his hands so quickly and abruptly that he slammed the back of his skull on the door of his room. Hongjoong! He was going through Hongjoong, but how to get in touch with him without awakening Sa's suspicions?. Chungha! He was going to wait for his blood test results before asking her to arrange a meeting with Hongjoong, in the meantime, he was still going to keep trying to convince San to integrate him into his team.

But until he could do something about it, he needed to take a shower. He needed to wash the blood that was still on his hands. and probably in his hair by now. He wasted no more time and took off his clothes, leaving them on the floor as he walked to the bathroom. He didn't lock the door completely and ran himself a bath. The bathtub had been giving him an eyeful since he had arrived here and he had not yet tried it. The water was hot and his muscles relaxed as he went in. He sighed contentedly. This day was almost perfect. The omega closed his eyes and let himself slide a little more into his bath. He hadn't taken a bath since his parents died. There was only a small shower in the apartment he shared with Yuna. So he hadn't stopped himself there, right away. Yeosang let himself slip into a slight drowsiness, the hot vapors from his bath helping greatly.

The air was filled with a smell he loved. He felt safe, protected. He felt good, he bit his lower lip so as not to moan with pleasure when a gentle caress was lavished on his right shoulder. The caress slid down to his throat, the fingers that squeezed his throat were firm but soft. A simple pressure of the thumb under his chin made him tilt his head backwards, exposing his throat.

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