Losing her entire family was hard enough on Josephine Cohen, but to lose them, upend her life in Boston to live in Beacon Hills, and move in with her infamous cousin Lydia Martin all within a month's time didn't make it any easier.
To make matters w...
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"So you just moved down here from San Francisco? Not a bad place to be,"
Josephine conversed with her new friend Allison as they made their way to their lockers, which the school had been kind enough to place right next to one another, later on in the school day.
"San Francisco was nice, but I'm hoping here will be better," Allison told her honestly, switching out her books in her locker for the next set. "I overheard the Vice Principal mention Boston for you? That's a big change, East Coast to West Coast."
"Well, as you'll see when you meet my cousin Lydia," Josie started, already laughing to herself as she shut her locker. "She kind of...always gets what she wants. Very persuasive, there was no saying no to her given the...situation."
Josie looked to her new friend to see how much attention she was paying to her, and her eyebrows furrowed as she saw Allison's gaze trained across the school hallway to another set of lockers. She followed her gaze, smirking as she saw her eyes trained on the boy she met this morning, Scott McCall, and his eyes right back on her.
She glanced to Scott's left, smiling as she saw the spastic Stiles Stilinski who she'd also met earlier already looking at her. She sent him a small wave, chuckling as he attempted to wave back and smacked his hand against his open locker door.
An arm wove its way into the crook of Josie's as she turned her head, smiling at her dearest cousin Lydia as she settled in next to her, the pair bumping their hips together as Lydia set her sights on Allison.
"That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it?"
Allison shot a look to Josie who smiled at her, and it clicked for the Argent girl.
"Oh! You must be Lydia," Allison laughed lightly, glancing down at her own jacket in question. "My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco."
"And you just became my new best friend," Lydia let out a short 'ow' as Josie pinched her arm, shooting her cousin a look. "What? I can give her that title, you're practically my sister. You're in your own category."
"Yeah but I've held that title for years!" Lydia only rolled her eyes, letting go of her cousin as a tall, blonde man stepped up beside the Martin girl, wounding his arm around her waist as Josie leaned up against the wall of lockers next to Allison.
"Hey Jackson," Lydia flirted with who Josie then presumed was her boyfriend. She glanced over at Allison, laughing lightly as she saw how uncomfortable the girl got with Lydia and Jackson's short make-out session next to them, nudging her with her arm. "Babe, this is my cousin Josie, and our new friend Allison!"
Josephine gave him a light nod along with Allison, though Jackson didn't seem to care to converse with either of them either as he started ranting about something to his girlfriend.
Bored with the conversation at hand, Josie's eyes crossed the hallway once again to see Stiles conversing with another girl she'd seen in class, and Scott still staring at Allison. His eyes momentarily left her new friend and found her, a blush instantly covering his cheeks as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, Josie desperately trying to hold in her laugh.