Losing her entire family was hard enough on Josephine Cohen, but to lose them, upend her life in Boston to live in Beacon Hills, and move in with her infamous cousin Lydia Martin all within a month's time didn't make it any easier.
To make matters w...
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"Do you want some help getting into the shower?"
Lydia Martin was completely over the attention from her father. The man had up and left her and her mother, but was suddenly at her side and wanted to give her the time of day she'd begged for in the past the second she was in a hospital room.
She rose from the bed hospital bed, hating the feel of the night gown that she was still in, and stared over at her father. She went to speak, but another voice from the chair beside her bed cut in for her.
"Maybe if she was four and was still taking bubble baths," it wasn't that Josephine Cohen hated her uncle, more like...strongly disliked. Not only had he abandoned Lydia and her aunt Natalie, but he'd barely spoken a word to his own niece following the death of his sister. That pissed her off. The red head rose up from the chair, standing beside her cousin as she nodded toward the door. "Why don't you give us a minute, yeah?"
"I'll just wait outside, then...where it's slightly less sarcastic...god, you're too much like Mitch,"
The two girls watched silently as the man left the room, softly shutting the door behind him as he went. The second the two girls were alone, Lydia's forehead dropped down onto Josie's shoulder, a loud sigh emitting from the girl in frustration.
"I wish he'd just go back to San Francisco already,"
"You aren't the only one, don't worry," Josephine told her cousin, giving her a small side hug as she relished in it for just a second.
Lydia hadn't been out for long in the hospital before finally waking up, and it didn't take entirely too long for her to regain enough strength to move about the room slightly. This was the most she'd been up and out of bed, though, and it both terrified and worried her cousin to the bone.
The Cohen girl had been practically unable to leave Lydia's side during the duration of her hospital stay, too concerned regarding the werewolf bite left in her side. It had been healing, but as a normal human's wound would have. She wasn't becoming a werewolf, but that meant her body should have rejected the bite, and she should be dead. Lydia was neither, and it confused Josie and her friends more than anything.
Scott and Stiles had kept constant tabs on Lydia's condition through Josephine, neither allowed in the room as they weren't family. Those conversation usually involved Allison, and involved a lot of supernatural explanation to the girl who now knew everything and a long talk between the brunette and the red head about her mysterious purple eyes and swirling energy powers.
There hadn't even been a second in the last few days to properly think about that part of her life. Josephine Cohen, a witch. She was still coming to terms with her own supernatural side.
Lydia broke the girl out of her thoughts by sighing against, taking a step away from Josie and toward the bathroom within the room as she waved the girl off.