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"A study date with Scott? If I've learned anything from Lydia, it's that those rarely end with just studying happening,"

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"A study date with Scott? If I've learned anything from Lydia, it's that those rarely end with just studying happening,"

"Oh my god, Josie!"

Allison Argent sounded absolutely exasperated with Josephine Cohen, who walked beside her down the hallways of the school simply laughing. The red head bumped her hip with Allison's affectionately, shrugging her shoulders just as Lydia saddled up beside both of the girls.

"And what are we so giggly about over here?"

"Allison is having a 'study' date at her house with Scott tonight," Josie informed her, wiggling her eyebrows as Lydia's smirk grew, turning to Allison.

"Sweetheart, you do know that 'just studying' never ends with...just studying," the exasperation on Allison's face only grew. "It's like getting into a hot tub, somebody eventually cops a feel."

The brunette bit her lip, looking between the red headed cousins as nerves crawled over her.

"Well...what are you both saying?"

"I'm just saying, you know, make sure he covers up..." Lydia trailed off, raising her eyebrows as she waited for Allison's response that never came. Josie laughed, slinging an arm around Allison as she smirked at her.

"She's talking about condoms, Allison,"

The trio skidded to a halt in the hallway as Allison looked between the smirking girls with wide eyes, jaw almost hanging open.

"Are you kidding? After one date?"

"Don't be a total prude, but give him a little taste," Lydia explained, before glancing over at Josie. "And I know for a fact you're a virgin, to relationships AND sex. I don't think you're fit to give her advice."

"I've seen and heard enough because of both you and Eleanor," Josie told her cousins, shivering at the thought of hearing Jackson and Lydia again. "I'm perfectly well equip to give advice!"

"Back to my problem at much is a 'little' taste?"

Lydia laughed at their friend while Josie just watched her for a moment, the smirk she wore becoming a genuine smile as she squeezing Allison in a side hug.

"You really like him, don't you?"

"Like you're one to talk," Lydia shot back at Josie with a knowing look. "Don't think I didn't see you and Stiles the other night at the bowling alley. God, I almost wanted to throw up."

"It was really cute," Allison chimed in.

The three girls turned down another hallway of the school as Allison linked her arms with the girls on each side of her, Josie shaking her head at them both.

"It's not like that! Look he offhandedly mentioned losing his mom, and then I found out he also likes Star Wars," the girl couldn't help the smile that seemed to overtake her lips as she spoke. "It's nice to meet someone that just...gets you, in a way. Plus he's super sweet and really easy to talk to- but this conversation is about Allison!"

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