Losing her entire family was hard enough on Josephine Cohen, but to lose them, upend her life in Boston to live in Beacon Hills, and move in with her infamous cousin Lydia Martin all within a month's time didn't make it any easier.
To make matters w...
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If there was one good thing that came out of that terrible night locked in the high school with five of her friends, it was that Josephine had a full four days to completely sit with and digest the supernatural news that Scott and Stiles had unloaded on her.
If she hadn't been standing right there as the alpha impaled Derek on his claws, she truly may not have believed the stories the boys told her that night at the preserve. How could she, without seeing it with her own eyes? It was insane to believe that the supernatural were real, and weren't just part of stories in movies and books. But it was real, and it was happening right here in the town that Josephine was supposed to be calling her new home.
Thankfully, the extended weekend was helpful in digesting the information and being able to put herself back into the shoes of a semi-normal teenage girl. That's how she found herself standing on the main walkway of the school, tapping her foot incessantly on the pavement, knowing that Lydia was probably about to blow up her phone with messages to hurry up.
It was a few short minutes later when Allison Argent finally popped out of her father's car, calling back a goodbye to the woman in the front seat as well as her dad as she ran over to Josie, who sighed in relief.
"Could you have taken any longer?" Allison rolled her eyes affectionately toward her friend. "Lydia is going to crucify both of us if we don't hurry up and meet her inside."
"You can blame my father for taking forever-"
"Allison!" both girls turned to look back toward the car, the window of the passenger seat rolled down as the blonde woman sitting beside Allison's father smiled toward them. "Not going to introduce us to your friend?"
Allison glanced over at Josie, who shrugged before moving with her toward the car. She hadn't seen Allison's father since that night at the lacrosse game, though she found it intimidating to be around the family that she had learned was basically trying to kill her new friend.
"Josie, this is my Aunt Kate, and you met my dad at the game," the brunette introduced, motioning to the two in the car. "Aunt Kate, this is my friend Josephine Cohen. She's Lydia's cousin, moved to Beacon Hills over winter."
Kate Argent's eyebrow raised as she leaned a little further out the window, her smiled trained directly on the red head girl beside her niece.
"Cohen, you say? You must be Mitchell Cohen's youngest then,"
"You...knew my dad?" Josie questioned, a look of surprise on her own face.
"Met him a few times, man practically lived here in Beacon Hills with how often he visited," Kate laughed, though Chris Argent didn't join in. He found himself simply staring at the girl. "Very nice man, I'm sorry for your loss. Do let Allison know if there's anything we can do to help."
"Thank you..." Josie trailed off, noticing the way that Allison's father simply stared at her. Her phone began buzzing with texts incessantly, and she quickly grabbed onto Allison's arm without even having to look at the screen. "Well, I presume that's Lydia screaming at us to get in there and meet up with her. It was nice meeting you both."