Losing her entire family was hard enough on Josephine Cohen, but to lose them, upend her life in Boston to live in Beacon Hills, and move in with her infamous cousin Lydia Martin all within a month's time didn't make it any easier.
To make matters w...
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As for first weeks of school, Josephine Cohen was happy to say that her week had gone by quickly and without much incident. From time to time there were comments she heard in the hallways as she walked past, comments regarding the accident that threw her off and almost into a spiral of memories. Lydia was always there, though, as promised to threaten anyone who even attempted to make comments about her.
Speaking of her darling cousin, she had about 15 texts from her by the end of her final period that were coercing her to the lacrosse field to watch tryouts by her side. It was about the last thing that Josie truly wanted to do, especially once Lydia informed her earlier in the week that they were the ones hosting this party at their own house. Now, with tryouts, Josie would be dragged home directly after this to get prepped for a party she didn't want to be apart of.
Frantically making her way toward the field as to not incur her cousin's wrath, Josie wasn't looking where she was going as she rounded a corner, colliding directly with a body. She let out a yelp, almost dropping her phone as hands shot out, steadying her.
"Oh god- sorry!" Josie looked up, a smile crossing her lips as she looks right into the eyes of Stiles Stilinski. "Jesus, sorry Stiles! I should probably look up from my phone in the hallway."
"Josie!" Stiles stumbled over his words, a smile on his face as he noticed his own hands on her arms as he quickly took them off her, scratching the back of his neck. "Long time no see! Didn't, uh, expect to see you here..."
"In the hallways of the school that I started attending?" Josie laughed, tilting her head at him as he continued to rub the back of his neck, wincing at his very obvious dumb question. "You know, I've noticed this past week that you and I have at least 4 classes together and yet you've barely spoken to me in any of them."
"Well if you haven't noticed, your cousin has practically deemed talking to me and Scott as social suicide," Stiles mumbled out, nodding his head as he looked at the girl in front of him.
Josie observed him for a moment, the lacrosse practice jersey and stick slung over his back, and gave him a wide grin.
"Well if you haven't noticed, I don't seem to care much for all that," Stiles eyes widened as Josie nodded her head toward the end of the hallway. "Walk with me out to the field?"
Stiles frantically nodded his head at her, falling into step beside her as they moved down the hallways of the high school.
It was quiet for a few steps, as Josie waited for Stiles to say something and as Stiles swallowed up his nerves to get himself to say something.
"So you, uh...don't care about all this popularity stuff then?" he questioned, looking over at the girl beside him and finding it hard, as usual, to look away. "Because I'm telling you, talking to me will damage your reputation. And you're, like, already one of the most popular girls in this school."