03 | class president(s)

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03 ☆ ( "I THINK ABOUT YOU." )

"Okay, time for a break!" Teacher Fujii called out, grabbing his items

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"Okay, time for a break!" Teacher Fujii called out, grabbing his items. The class dispersed, probably going to buy snacks or go play outside. I pulled my headphones from my pocket, plugging them into my phone. I glanced at the person in front of me, his head leaning against the wooden desk as per usual. Before I could wake him up, Teacher Fujii appeared in front of me, hand tapping the edge of my desk. "Sato."


"Would you like to do me a big favor?" His smile was as big and mischievous as that Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, and his teeth were so shiny that I almost laughed at the scene in front of me. But, I held back, and instead, put my pen down to hear him out. "A big, big favor?"

"Go ahead, Teacher Fujii."

"Could you please be the class president?" He said swiftly, the question coming like a shock. I almost couldn't understand him–I knew he feared that I'd say no. I winced, pushed up my glasses, and sighed. "Come on, Sato. Nobody's willing to be our class president, and I've seen all your hard work dawning up to this point! Can't you do me this one favor?"

"I don't know if we are that close as teacher and student to do you that favor, Teacher Fujii," Being class president meant more than just holding the title. I'd have to go above and beyond in both academics and with others. I'm just not popular enough–or rather, intelligent enough–to do that job. "I don't think I'm qualified. You might have to look elsewhere."

"You're the most qualified class president a student can get, Sato," He tapped my desk again, vibrating the sound beyond just my desk. Riki's head lifted, listening intently, and it was obvious he was. I swallowed, wondering if I'd choose to impress someone or save my sanity. "Sato, please. Don't you want to break out of your shell as well?"

I lifted my head fully, facing him. Narrowing my eyes at him, I fixed my glasses, almost scoffing in the process. "Do I, Teacher?"

"You do," Riki answered for him, groaning as he stretched fully. He turned his head only to the side, facing the windows and Teacher Fujii. His side profile stretched out vastly, defined, and rather, it shocked me before the fact that he had picked up an answer for the offense team. "Teacher Fujii, if Sato Rie becomes Class President, I'll be Vice."

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