21 | dragon's eye

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21 ☆ ( "PLEASE

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21( "PLEASE." )

"You brought home a goldfish?" I nodded

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"You brought home a goldfish?" I nodded. Dad and I squatted around it, watching it swim around calmly. I thought at the sight of Dad, it would panic, but I guess with me being there, it wasn't too bad. My glass bowl from owning a fish when I was young was a bit big and circular, so the morning after the festival, I bought little decorations for it. "It's cute. It's a dragon-eye goldfish. See its big telescope eyes? That's usually how you can tell."

I nodded. "I see. I did some research on what kind it could be, but I guess I should've consulted you first, goldfish master."

"Very funny, Rie," Dad chuckled, placing a finger on the rim of the bowl. "Do you have a name for it?"

I shrugged. "I was thinking of our surname, Sato–since she's part of our family now," Dad chuckled. "What? I thought that was pretty creative. I didn't want to give her a stupid name."

"I supposed that's you being logical," Dad groaned as he stood up, looking down at me. He cleaned the surroundings of my desk, stacking papers on top of books. "So, I presume that Nishimura was the one who got it for you, right? Summer festivals are quite romantic."

I raised an eyebrow. "How did you know I went? You were at work."

"Your mother told me. She said you were going out with Hanae, Sunoo, and Jungwon, but don't worry, I didn't tell her that I had suspicions that your boyfriend was included."

I sighed. "I can't keep a secret from you, can I?" He chuckled and ruffled my hair, my eyes lingering back to Sato. I clicked the tip of my nail against the bowl and watched her look my way. "It wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. I kind of felt... trapped there, like I can't move on. Your words lingered in my head."

Dad sat on my bed. "Which ones?"

"When you said I fell for him out of fear, not out of love," I replied, fiddling with my fingers. "I'm starting to think that's the truth–that I'm really not in love with him."

Dad sighed. "What makes you say that? You know I don't want to influence you like that unless you truly mean it."

"I do," I exhaled. "I realize as time passes on that we're incompatible. I'm unable to adjust, and he tells me things I don't like hearing. Sometimes, I am unable to stay patient, and my real self is beginning to surface–my argumentative side. The trauma that I see from you and Mother. All of that is coming to light."

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