10 | what a girl can do

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"Say, Rie," Hanae and I linked arms as we walked down the stairwell, our usual conversation of stupidity turning into something more serious

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"Say, Rie," Hanae and I linked arms as we walked down the stairwell, our usual conversation of stupidity turning into something more serious. "Since you and Riki were walking together in the hall today, did you see any reactions from the people passing by?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why would I care?"

"Rie," Hanae stopped to warn, placing her finger right in front of my face. What? I was still oblivious to her true meaning, trying to decipher it through the frown on her lips. "You really don't know? Oh, come on. I'm talking about how many people like your boyfriend. Don't you feel a little jealous or insecure? Nothing at all?"

That was something to consider–I hadn't really thought of it all weekend since we'd been together all of Saturday, and I was studying without a word on Sunday. I mean, I admitted I was jealous when it came to the first instant that he was with another girl, but now that we're dating, is there much to take account of? Out of all the girls that seemed to fancy him, he chose me. Was I supposed to act insecure?

"I don't think I do," I shrugged, making Hanae listen intently. "We're dating, and I trust him with all I've got. If I'm jealous, then I would be a bad girlfriend. That's how it works logically, right?"

"Ugh, you and your logical considerations," Hanae shook her head in displeasure, nudging me slightly. "You've got to stop doing that, Rie."

I pouted. "Doing what?"

"Going about complex, human emotions with a paper and a pen! Not everything is a solvable equation with a solution," Teacher Fujii told me on Friday. I believe them, I promise, but it's kind of hard when everything just seems that simple. "Not all people can tolerate your simplicity. Not like I can, not like Sunoo can, and not like Jungwon can. Riki scratched the surface of who you are–and if you want to keep him around, you should understand that things won't be as easy as they are in your head."

"I'm not going to adjust my mindset for a man, Hanae," I huffed. "Of course, I'll be aware and more understanding of the things we may go through, but I'm not going to fully change myself to keep him around. We've already told each other that we're going to communicate when things are more than meets the eye."

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