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#001 :: The Birthday 
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"It's Adalyn's pov" Lily muttered looking at everyone, "Who might she be?" James asked to which Sirius shrugged 

Adalyn Pov

Finally, the wait is over, I can live in peace now. I anticipated this moment for so long, and now it's finally here. I looked at the rough material in my hand, the most prized possession for me now. You all might call me crazy, but this is the book, I waited for so long.

"Oh another Moony or lily or Birony" James sighed rolling his eyes. 

The rough material is nothing else but a bundle of magical words ready to engulf me whole. I opened the first page and almost squealed in happiness, but held myself, I couldn't afford to be caught by my parents for reading a muggle book, published just now, whose trailer was out months ago.

"Muggle? She's a magic person and reading those flith's book?" Wulburga sneered. 

I wrapped the book in a dusty paper and hid it under the mattress of my bed. I just hope no one finds it here. I looked in the mirror and smiled like a crazy person, I absolutely loved reading, and more than that, I love collecting books. I checked myself in the mirror and went downstairs for breakfast.

Walking towards the dining table I saw my mother and sister already seated. Father must be out for work. I made my way to my usual seat and sat down. "Good morning Mother" I said bowing my head, "Good morning sister" I nodded at her with a small smile. "Good morning Adalyn, Best wishes on your special day" My mother nodded at me while motioning our house elf to serve the breakfast.

Oh! Did I mention today was my birthday? You know the excitement of the book was too much for me to remember my own birthday, I know I am a bit crazy, but I am a reader, you can't blame me, If you are a reader you would know what I mean. Well returning to the topic. "I express my gratitude for your kind greetings Mother" I smiled at her, to which she nodded her head.

"What in the freaking hell did happen? Padfoot is that how you get wished too by your parents?" James looked wide eyes at his best friend who rolled his eyes. "Bro I don't get wished at all by them" Sirius whispered. 

I side-eyes my sister to see her eating her breakfast. I sighed to myself and smiled, Thank god she didn't wish here, too awkward. Nope, I wouldn't have spoken a word if she wished me.

After silently having our breakfast, and by silently I mean pin drop silence, I could practically hear my own chewing. Well, that's the rule, no sound, while eating, working, studying or basically anything you do. I quickly but politely excused myself and went into the garden to have some fresh air.

Let's have a proper introduction shall we? I am Adalyn Scamander, member of one of the sacred 28 families, a pureblood that's obvious, nevermind. 

The marauders and lily looked at Briony who raised her brows at them, "She's a scamander you both might be related" James said to which Briony shrugged. "Maybe who knows" 

I turned eleven today, my hobbies being reading as you all know, listening to music, which is very rarely knowing the place I live in. I like dancing but it shouldn't be related to those rich prom dance or whatever. Well that's it I guess, Oh yeah one more thing, I speak a lot, Like If I start speaking it would take a lot effort to make me stop, well I don't speak in front of my parents but in my head and to my sister, speaking of which.

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