1.15 (Bizzare)

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#015 :: Bizzare
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"Brave doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you go on even though you're scared"
- The Hate U give

"It's in third person's pov"


The three of them reached fluffy's room, the door was slightly left open. Harry pushed the door open.As the door creaked, low, rumbling growls met their ears. All three of the dog's noses sniffed madly in their direction, even though it couldn't see them. 

"What's that at its feet?" Hermione whispered."Looks like a harp," said Ron. "Snape must have left it there." 

"It must wake up the moment you stop playing," said Harry. "Well, here goes..."

He put Hagrid's flute to his lips and blew. It wasn't really a tune, but from the first note the beast's eyes began to droop.  Slowly, the dog's growls ceased -- it tottered on its paws andfell to its knees, then it slumped to the ground, fast asleep. 

"First step clear now the second" James whispered his knees bouncing due to nervousness. 

They could feel the dog's hot, smelly breath as they approached the giant heads. "I think we'll be able to pull the door open," said Ron, peering over the dog's back. "Want to go first,Hermione?" 

"No, I don't!" 

"All right." Ron gritted his teeth and stepped carefully over the dog's legs. He bent and pulled the ring of the trapdoor, which swung up and open."What can you see?" Hermione said anxiously. "Nothing -- just black -- there's no way of climbing down, we'll just have to drop." Harry, who was still playing the flute, waved at Ron to get his attention and pointed at himself.

"Ok I am genuinely scared right now, would they all be alright?" Sirius asked turning to look at James with a worried face who glanced back at him with the same longed face. 

"You want to go first? Are you sure?" said Ron. "I don't know how deep this thing goes. Give the flute to Hermione so she can keep him asleep."Harry handed the flute over. 

Harry climbed over it and looked down through the trapdoor.  He lowered himself through the hole until he was hanging on by his fingertips. Then he looked up at Ron and said, "If anything happens to me, don't follow. Go straight to the owlery and send Hedwig to Dumbledore, right?" "Right," said Ron.

"Why is he doing that, oh my god" Lily said holding her head her eyes watering in worry. James looked at her and brought her in his embrace. "Don't worry, he's strong than we think" He whispered to her. 

 Harry let go. Cold, damp air rushed past him as he fell down, down,down and -- FLUMP. 

With a funny, muffled sort of thump he landed on something soft. He sat up and felt around, his eyes not used to the gloom. 

"It's okay!" he called up , "it's a soft landing, you can jump!"Ron followed right away. He landed, sprawled next to Harry."What's this stuff?" were his first words. 

"Dunno, some sort of plant thing. I suppose it's here to break the fall.Come on, Hermione!"The distant music stopped. There was a loud bark from the dog, but Hermione had already jumped. She landed on Harry's other side."We must be miles under the school" she said. 

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