1.9 (Suspicious)

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#009 :: Suspicious
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"My thoughts are stars, I can't fathom into constellations"
- The fault in our star

"It's shira's pov" 


I woke up puffing out my cheeks. Why couldn't I sleep? I sighed getting down from my bed and headed outside the tower. It's past curfew? I know, But do I care? No way. I slowly walked towards the hospital wing in hopes of getting some help from Madame Pompfrey.

"Why are we even getting her pov? Isn't she enemy?"  James wondered out as the others shrugged. 

I kept walking like a zombie until I heard someone talking. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I turned around to see a girl standing near the window. I started walking towards the girl before I even knew it.

Guessing by her height and all, she seems like a first-year to me. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked tilting my head to see her face. The girl turned around so fast, I feared she snapped her neck. "Scamander? Oh what a night" I grumbled.

First I couldn't sleep, and now I had to face her also? You've got to be kidding me. "What are you doing here McLaggen?" She asked turning to face mr properly. And then I noticed a scar on her cheeks. "Off in the forest fighting werewolves?" I joked looking at the full moon shining bright in the sky.

Remus eyes widened as he choked on nothing but air. "You alright moony?" James asked as peter patted the boy's back. "Y-yeah I am all good" He whispered taking a deep breath. 

"What kind of dumb question is that?" Sirius scowled at the book. 

That girl's eyes widen and she turned her head back with the same speed she had done before. If she continues this, it'll take no time for her to turn itni Headless Nick. She kept staring at the moon, "It's a full moon today" She whispered.

Sirius and James stared at each other for a second before shaking their head, "Let's just pray not" Sirius whispered to which James nodded his head. 

"Are you blind or something? You were literally staring outside the window and didn't notice it before?" I said looking at her with weirdly. She turned and glared at me, "Mind taking your nose out of my business?" She said in a sharp tone causing me to roll my eyes.

I scoffed crossing my hands and staring at her. "What's so special about full moon?" I asked but in return only got a blank stare. She sighed shaking her head and going off in the opposite direction.

"Yeah good going girl, don't need to focus on unnecessary people" Briony said rolling her eyes. 

She dare ignore me, Only if it was not this time I would have done something with that ungrateful girl. Nevermind shira don't focus on anyone else.

"It's in third person pov" Arthur announced. 


The troll incident resulted in an absolute miracle to happen, Hermione had became friends with Ron and Harry, who have became like a trio now.

As they entered November, the weather turned freezing. On Saturday, Harry would be playing in his first match after weeks of training: Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Hardly anyone had seen Harry play because Wood had decided that, as their secret weapon.

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