1.14 (The first step)

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#014 :: The First Step
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"Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing"
- The Picture of Dorian Gray

"It's in third person's pov" 

Third person pov

Stars light the sky like snowflakes in the night, yet appear still, like an old photograph. Adalyn smiles, feeling the wind blow her hair into a tousled mane. Were she out there in space, riding the limits of the known universe, they would be a choreographed blizzard. How the stars would move, the galaxies tumble and dart. The constellations, who'd witnessed centuries and millennia just the same, watched over this tiny moment.

"That's some crazy and deep imagination," Rabastan said nodding impressed. "Just like our reg's" Evan said patting Reg's back who shoved him off. 

Suddenly someone tapped on her shoulder, she was about to fall from the new person's appearance but balanced herself "What happened, little Scamander sacred" Shira laughed at her "What do you want Shira" Adalyn said in a much calm voice sitting on her same position. 

"Uh what happened? They're on first name basis?" James asked perplexed. 

"Hey, you don't have the right to call me by my name"Shira said annoyingly "Let's stop with this Shira, I am tired of bickering with you both, let's be friends, becoming enemies will do no good for us, try to understand, our school life should go peacefully not with continuous bickering with each other" Adalyn said, she put her hands forward. 

"Damn end of drama" Evans tuted shaking his head. "Drama doesn't have to include people fighting each other" Regulus said to which evans looked at him with raised brows. "Umm that's what drama is called reg, what else would you call drama? Professor giving students detention?" 

"Let's be friends, if not friends lets promise we will not insult each other" Shira was looking at Adalyn's hand, then she looks towards her, she shook hands with adalyn and said  "I accept, seriously it was so tiring to fight with you, just imagine fighting with a brainless person, oops sorry" Shira said and both laughed, Now as said

"Oh end of such a beautiful relationship" Sirius sighed to which Briony looked at him weirdly, "Their relationship is starting Black not ending" She said causing Sirius to shake his head. 

"You won't get how important having an enemy is, imagine you're frustrated and want to take your frustration out, where will you go? Not someone innocent ofc, you know that person is the same b*tch as you are right now so you can go vent out your frustration on them without feeling guilty" He sighed dramatically. 

Briony looked at him with a blank look, "I don't even want to know what goes on in your mind" 

The next morning

In the great hall, Harry told Adalyn, Arilene, and Ron how he almost had a meeting with Voldemort, to say the three were shocked would be an understatement.

Snape stopped reading and looked around the room for any reaction, well true to his thoughts everyone had their reactions plastered on their faces. 

"Ohk wtf now?" James asked looking irritated as ever. "How in the name of merlin did he encounter that no nose?" He asked on the verge of ripping out all his hairs. 

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