2.1 (Professor Minnie)

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・:。2.1・:三  Professor Minnie
‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡

"It's the possibility of having a dream coming true that makes life interesting"
- The Alchemist

It was the next weekend and everyone was settled in the room of requirement with the second book in McGonagall's hand. 

"Can I read professor?" Lily asked to which McGonagall nodded her head giving the book to lily. "The book is in Arilene's pov " 

𝔸𝕣𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕖 𝕡𝕠𝕧

I have never before in my life enjoyed a place other than Hogwarts. The orphanage I previously resided in was, how might I phrase it, the worst. You wouldn't want to even talk to the people there, they were the worst.

Although being with Professor McGonagall wasn't particularly thrilling or enjoyable, it was still far better than going to an orphanage, Professor was not at home most of the time or as she put it, "I am a professor, thus my home is Hogwarts." I was by myself at home, exchanging letters every two or three days with Hermione and Ron. I also wrote letters to Harry but he never answered. I have no idea what has happened to him, and I only hope he is fine, and Adalyn I know she went to France for her vacation so she won't answer her letters, tho I receive some letter from her occasionally.

"Imagine having the luck to stay with Minnie" James waved his hand dramatically. 

Well, I wasn't completely alone at her house; the professor isn't so irresponsible to leave a child alone in the house. Her house elf, "Krafty, "was there with me, she was a really kind creature who regularly made me breakfast and lunch. At night, the professor would return, and we would have a meal together.

Ron wrote me a letter today inviting me to visit Burrow, and I was extremely eager to go there and meet him. However, I needed Professor's permission first. So, I'm waiting for Professor to show here so I can ask her whether I may go to Ron's house.

"Miss. Rudolf, I am home" I heard professor's voice form downstairs, I rushed out of room and ran downstairs to her "Professor , Professor, Ireceivedronslettersayingmeto cometohishousecanigothereandstaythereforrestofsummer?" I could see professor's eyebrows knitting in confusion, well did I say something wrong 

"Wait what did you just read?" Briony asked bending forward to look sideways at lily. "I don't know it was written that way only" Lily replied shrugging sheepishly. 

"Miss.Rudolf please say slowly, You are not going to miss dinner" oh-well I spoke too fast , "Professor I was asking that I received Ron's letter inviting me to his house, so can I stay there for the rest of the summer?" I spoke slowly this time, "Oh well, why not, You can go there tomorrow morning" Professor said, I started jumping while clapping my hands "Thank you, Minnie, Thank you so much" I said and ran upstairs leaving the professor wide-eyed.

"What did she just say?" James asked turning wide eyes to his friends. "MINNIE?" The four of them shouted together staring at the book in disbelief. "How did she got our nickname?" Sirius asked his eyebrows furrowed together. 

It was the next morning Professor McGonagall accompanied me to Ron's house. We travelled there through floo powder landing straight at Weasley's living room with a loud roar.

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