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Sitting on the blanket, I observe the twins playing with sand, and water. With the shovel, the scoop sand, and pour it in the plastic bucket. They add in some water, then flip it upside-down, and tap it before remove the bucket revealing a sand castle. They seem to be having so much fun.

Suddenly, the sound of feet walking on the sand catches my attention. I gaze around to see if there's anyone else on the beach, but I see no one. Minutes later, the sound seem louder, and steps are approaching. I look right to find a man walking towards me.

When he is closer, I notice familiar hazel-green eyes. I stand up, and he stops right in front of me. I feel small compared to his towering height. He has on a light blue shirt and black pants.

He just looks at me, without saying anything. I look back at him, waiting for him to either leave or say something.

"Val!" The twins shout, running towards me. They stop in front of us, and looks at him curiously.

"Wow! He's really tall like a tree," Maïra comments cranning up her neck to look at him. They looks like ants in front of a giant.

"And handsome too like Adonis," Mira continues. Both of them love Greek mythology, especially when it's about the God's, and their powers. They know everything about it.

"Thank you, little ladies," he says with a smile on his face. He seems completely different from last night.

They giggle hearing him call them 'little ladies'.

"Val, who is he?" Mira asks.

I don't know how to introduce him in front of the twins. I don't even know him, except his name so I'm not sure how to address him.

"You told me I was as handsome as Adonis, so call me Adonis," he tells them before I can say anything. "That's my name, Adonis."

"You big liar," Mira glares at him. "We know your name is not Adonis."

"I take back what I said. You're really ugly," Maïra continues. 

Oh, there it is! That rude attitude. It's their wariness against strangers. It's to make people know that they're not as naïve as they seem. To make them understand that they can't be tricked by sweet words, and flattery. Like I said before, they've been through a lot, and they already know that this world is not unicorns and rainbows. Thank God they still act like children their age, but they're more aware of the reality of life than other children. Sometimes, it makes my heart ache that they couldn't live in that fantasy a little longer, but I know they're gonna be fine.

He chuckles, "You're really interesting. Most children get scared when they see me, but the two of you are acting rude. My real name is Xaiden."

"Your name sounds weird," Mira says, frowning.

"Tell that to my ancestors. I was named after my great-great-granfather," he answers with a small laugh.

"I'm sorry if they offended you, Sir," I enter the conversation with an apology, bowing my head.

"No, it's fine. I quite like them, and they're cute," he responds, still smiling then he walks away.

I sigh in relief, I finally feel like I can breathe again.

"Girls, how many times have I told you not be rude to strangers?" I scold them, showing them the 'I am disappointed' look.

"We're sorry, Val," they apologize in a small voice. I just feel scared they're gonna do something that may put them into trouble, especially when it comes to offending those wealthy people. They have the power to shatter everything I've worked so hard for the past 5 years.

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