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Arriving at the penthouse, Miss Valeria immediately makes her way to her room. She must be shaken up by the events that happened tonight so I should check on her later.

I decide to make myself a cup of tea to calm my nerves. What happened tonight was totally unexpected, and I'm not sure how I should handle things. Reporting it to the police is useless since they are already corrupted, and it will probably draw attention on us which is something I should avoid. Those women will probably be in danger if they stay in this city, and they will have a hard time entering society again so it's best to relocate each of them into a safe location. They can't stay here anymore.

I will also need their statement about what happened in that dungeon. It will be really crucial for our plan. McGregor must be caught at all cost. Our plan was to simply take him down, and throw him out of the company, but now that a crime is involved, it will make things easier. Kane Corporation will definitely take a hit when this matter will be revealed to the public, but I trust William to take care of it. After all, his reputation matters to him more than anything. As long he has that angel façade, he can do anything, and no one will suspect him.

After processing everything, I head upstairs to my room to take a shower. Stripping, I step in the shower and let the water run down my body. It's really relaxing.

When I'm done, I go to Miss Valeria's room to check on her. I knock on the door, but I hear nothing. I knock a second time, but still nothing. I hesitate for a second before I permit myself to enter her room.

The bed is empty, and I can see the light on in the bathroom. I knock on the door of the bathroom, but no one responds. My heart races as uneasiness settles in me. I turn the door handle, but the door is locked. I back up a few steps behind before giving a strong kick to the door, forcing it open.

In the bathroom, I find Miss Valeria asleep in the bath tub, and I immediately close my eyes, not wanting to see something I shouldn't.

"Miss Valeria!" I call out with my eyes still closed. I shake her gently with my hand, but she still doesn't wake up. I put my hand in the water to feel its temperature, and it's super cold meaning that Miss Valeria must have been in here for a long time.

In panic, I place my hand on her forehead, and it's hot. She's having a fever. I drain the water from the tub, and turn around before opening my eyes to search for a towel or a robe that I can wrap around her. I find a white robe hanged by the door, and grab it. With my eyes close, I do my best to wrap the robe around her body, and when I'm sure that she's all covered, I open my eyes. I gently carry her out of the tub, and go back in the room to place her on the bed.

I exit the room, and knock on the next door which is Miss Sylvera's room to ask her for help. The door opens to reveal a very sleep Miss Sylvera.

"I need your help," I say.

"What can I help you with?" She yawns as she asks.

"Miss Valeria has a fever–"

I'm not a even done talking, and she's already running to Miss Valeria's room. She must be really worried about her. I follow her to Miss Valeria's room.

"What did you do?" She asks.

"I didn't do anything. I only want you to dress Miss Valeria. I found her in the bath tub sleeping, and I don't think she's going to wake up any time soon," I explain.

She gives me a questioning look, and I know exactly what she's asking. I shake my head to indicate that I didn't see anything I shouldn't. My eyes were closed during the whole process so she shouldn't worry. I may not have had much of a parental figure all my life, but it doesn't mean that I don't know how to respect women.

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