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In life, it is said that karma always hits us one way or another and that's exactly what is happening to Mark McGregor right now. His reputation has been torn down to ashes, and now, everyone hates him. His crimes are mentioned everywhere on social media, and the announcement of the divorce between him and Alexa is causing an uproar on the internet. Videos of his arrestation are being shared, and reposted over and over, gaining over millions of views per hour.

The only thing that makes me in a bad mood is how everyone sympathizes with William Kane. They're all commenting about how they pity him, and how much he suffers for the things that aren't his faults. What a load of crap!

The person they should sympathize with most is Alexa. She's the one who got betrayed, and heartbroken by the love of her life. She's the one who got played by him for years, but everyone is forgetting that detail. It's annoying how much people always support the one at the top of the food chain. As long as William is in power, people will support him no matter what he does.

The reputation of Kane Corporation has taken a hit because of this news, but Mr. Xaiden says not to worry because William will take care of him. I'm skeptical about what he means by that, but it doesn't take long for me to understand what he meant.

In the evening as we're all watching TV, we get interrupted by the news. Mr. Kane is on the news for an interview sitting with Clara, the journalist. His hair looks neat, but messy as if he has ran his fingers over it a hundred times throughout the day, and he's dressed in a formal suite. His face seems to have sunken in, and he has bags under his eyes. He truly has the appearance of a man who is in misery.

"Good evening ladies, and gentlemen. Tonight we are in company of a special guest, please welcome, Mr. Kane." Clara says with a bright smile on her bold red lips. The sound of claps, and cheers resonates in the background as Mr. Kane is shown on the screen.

"Good evening, Sir. How are you tonight?" Clara asks, though I feel that she already knows how he must feel.

He puts on a smile, but it looks more like a grimace, "Good evening, Clara. I'm well, how are you?" His tone is light and welcoming but his expression clearly shows that he's in a bad mood. His hands are clenched together on the glass table as he looks directly at her.

"I'm good, thank you." She answers him then turns back to the camera, "Yesterday night at the anniversary of Mr. And Mrs. McGregor, a brutal, and shocking truth has been revealed to us. The man we all thought to be respectable, and honest turned out to be a criminal. What are your thoughts about it?"

"It's very unfortunate that it turned out to be that way. I didn't think that my partner, and friend could ever do something like this." He clears his throat as the camero zeroes on him, "I want to present my apologies to all the women, and victims who got hurt by him."

That sentence makes me gag on the inside at his fakeness. Innocent on the outside but devilish on the inside.

"You have nothing to apologize for. You weren't the one who did those crimes. It must have hurt a lot to discover all this," Clara sympathizes with him, and gives him an encouraging smile.

"No, I have to apologize. He was my partner, and my friend so I have to apologize on his behalf," he says with a firm nod, as if truly believing his statement. If I didn't know his true face, I would have believed him too.

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