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After crying so much, Sylvera falls asleep on the couch and I cover her with a light blanket. I caress her hair, and smile. I have one more sister, and even though I hate her, I still want to protect her. She's been through a lot, and she deserves to have a chance at happiness too.

In the morning, I'm up early, and start getting ready. I take a shower, fix my bed, and start making breakfast. As I set the table, I add one more plate for Sylvera. We're now four in this house, and somehow, that warms my heart, but I'm gonna have a lot of explanations to give to Maïra and Mira.

I dread doing that because it means that I have to go back to where my life changed for the worst. It means that I have to feel the pain of that betrayal again, but I know I need to do that because I've put it off for way too long. I've avoided it for years, and continuing to avoid it doesn't help solve my problems.

"Good morning, Val!" The girls greet me, and give me a hug that I happily return. I haven't seen them in just a few hours, but I've missed them so much. My heart feels lighter when I'm around them. I really needed this comfort.

"Good morning, Girls," I greet them back.

"Did you not sleep last night, Val?" Maïra points to the dark circles under my eyes, and I sigh.

"I slept a bit late, but I'm fine," I lie through my teeth. I thought I hid my dark circles well, but I guess they really have a good eye to notice those things.

"You have to rest today, alright?" Mira says, and I nod, even though I have no plan to sleep.

"Val, who is the lady sleeping on the couch?" Mira asks as she sits at the table.

"Girls, I have a lot to tell you today, and please, welcome her with an open heart. Can you promise me that?"

They look at me with curiosity in their eyes, and they nod. I smile at them before I serve them their breakfast. We eat in silence, and I think about where I should start with my explanation. Maybe I shouldn't have hidden so much from them, but they were too young to know about all this. Even now, they are still too young, but they have the right to know.

"Good morning, Valeria!" Sylvera's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Good morning, Sylvera," I greet her.

I stand up, and turn to the twins, "Girls, this is Sylvera. I know you have a lot of questions, but I will answer them after breakfast."

I turn to her, "Sylvera, this is Mira, and Maïra." I present the twins to her. Her eyes gazes at the both of them, probably trying to differentiate one from the other.

"I'm sorry but who is Maïra? And who is Mira again? I got lost looking at you two, and I can't identify one from the other. I knew that identical twins are supposed to look alike, but the two of you are like clones of each other," Sylvera says with a sheepish smile. Her ears turn a cute shade of red, and I smile. It's the first time I see her like this because I've always known her as an arrogant person, but that was never the real her.

"Mira is the older twin, and she has a mole under her right eye. Maïra is the younger twin. I recognize them using that small mole, but apart from that, they are really difficult to tell apart," I tell her.

She nods then whispers, "Are they also his children?"

No need to mention his name, I already know what she's asking. We all have the same sperm donor, and I know it is weird, but that is what it is.

"Yes, they are." I feel disgusted to say that. They twins do not know anything about our father, and I know that they've longed for one when Mom was alive, but unfortunately, our real father is not like the ones they see with children at the park. Our real father is not the kind of father who worries for his children, who helps them stand up when they fall, who advices them in difficult time or who comforts them when they're hurt. Our real father is not the kind of father who loves his children except maybe for Rebecca.

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